نتایج جستجو

Treasures of the Sakya Lineage: Teachings from the Masters (Paths of Liberation Series)
Migmar Tseten;H. H. Sakya Trizin, 2011
Smart Sensors for Environmental and Medical Applications (IEEE Press Series on Sensors)
Hamida Hallil (editor), Hadi Heidari (editor), 2020
Stress: Concepts, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior: Handbook of Stress Series, Volume 1
George Fink Professor (editor), 2016
Stress: Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathology: Handbook of Stress Series, Volume 3
George Fink Professor (editor), 2019
Current Trends in Dynamical Systems in Biology and Natural Sciences (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series (21), Band 21)
Maira Aguiar (editor), Carlos Braumann (editor), Bob W. Kooi (editor), Andrea Pugliese (editor), Nico Stollenwerk (editor), Ezio Venturino (editor), 2020
Quantile Regression for Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data: Applications in Energy Markets Using R
Jorge M. Uribe, Montserrat Guillen, 2020
Information Structure in Lesser-described Languages: Studies in prosody and syntax (Studies in Language Companion Series)
Evangelia Adamou (editor), Katharina Haude (editor), Martine Vanhove (editor), 2018
Westworld and Philosophy (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)
Irwin, William, 2018
Corrections (Justice Series)
Leanne F. Alarid, Philip L. Reichel, 2018
Spectral Analysis for Univariate Time Series
Donald B. Percival, Andrew T. Walden, 2020
Ableton Live 101: An Introduction to Ableton Live 10 (101 Series) (English Edition)
Eric Kuehnl, Andrew Haak, 2019
Cow Care in Hindu Animal Ethics (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)
Kenneth R. Valpey, 2020
Time Series Clustering and Classification
Elizabeth Ann Maharaj, Pierpaolo D'Urso, Jorge Caiado, 2019
Functional Dielectrics for Electronics: Fundamentals of Conversion Properties (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials)
Yuriy Poplavko, Yuriy Yakymenko, 2020
Ghojel, J: Fundamentals of Heat Engines (Wiley-ASME Press Series)
Jamil Ghojel, 2020
Nonequilibrium Gas Dynamics and Molecular Simulation (Cambridge Aerospace Series, Band 42)
Iain D. Boyd ; Thomas E. Schwartzentruber, 2017
Nonlinear Circuit Simulation and Modeling: Fundamentals for Microwave Design (The Cambridge RF and Microwave Engineering Series)
José Carlos Pedro, David E. Root, Jianjun Xu, Luís Cótimos Nunes, 2018
Regular and Irregular Holonomic D-Modules (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Masaki Kashiwara, 2016