نتایج جستجو

Big Data Analytics Methods
Peter Ghavami, 2020
Classical Kinetic Theory of Weakly Turbulent Nonlinear Plasma Processes
Peter H. Yoon, 2019
Imaging Optics
Joseph Braat, Peter Török, 2019
Civil Procedure: A Coursebook (Aspen Casebook Series)
Joseph W. Glannon & Andrew M. Perlman & Peter Raven-Hansen
Topics in Computational Number Theory Inspired by Peter L. Montgomery
Joppe W. Bos, Arjen K. Lenstra, 2017
Big Ben: The Bell, the Clock and the Tower
Peter Macdonald, 2004
Mars and How to Observe It
Peter Grego, 2012
First Steps in Bonds: Successful Strategies without the Rocket Science
Temple, Peter, 2002
Der Panathenaikos des Isokrates: Ubersetzung und Kommentar
Peter Roth, 2011
Citizen Killings Liberalism, State Policy and Moral Risk
Deane-Peter Baker, 2016
Cost Analysis of Electronic Systems
Sandborn, Peter, 2017
理论入门 文学与文化理论导论
Peter Barry, 2014
Convergence: The Idea at the Heart of Science
Peter Watson, 2016
Convergence: The Idea at the Heart of Science
Peter Watson, 2016
Convergence: The Idea at the Heart of Science
Peter Watson, 2016
Urban and Regional Planning
Peter Geoffrey Hall; Mark Tewdwr-Jones, 2019
Security, trade and society in seventeenth-century Southeast Asia. The memoirs and memorials of Jacques de Coutre.
Borschberg, Peter; Coutre, Jacques de, 2014
A Manifesto For Mental Health: Why We Need A Revolution In Mental Health Care
Peter Kinderman, 2019
Keith Jarrett’s The Köln Concert
Jarrett, Keith; Elsdon, Peter; Jarrett, Keith, 2013
Olivier Messiaen’s Catalogue d’oiseaux : from conception to performance
Chadwick, Roderick; Hill, Peter, 2018
Episcopal Networks in Late Antiquity: Connection and Communication Across Boundaries
Carmen Angela Cvetković, Peter Gemeinhardt ed., 2019
S-Parameters for Signal Integrity
Peter J. Pupalaikis, 2020
Public governance and the classical-liberal perspective : political economy foundations
Aligică, Paul Dragoș; Boettke, Peter J.; Tarko, Vlad, 2019
Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite
Peter Schweizer, 2020