نتایج جستجو

Le Coran des historiens, Vol III (Bibliographie)
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, Guillaume Dye, 2019
Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches for Tourism, Agriculture and Healthcare
Pankaj Srivastava, S. S. Thakur, Georgia Irina Oros, Ali A. AlJarrah, Vichian Laohakosol, 2021
In the Shadow of History
Mubarak Ali, 1993
The Ulema, Sufis and Intellectuals
Mubarak Ali Khan, 2005
A page from history : essays on history, politics & culture
Mubarak Ali Khan, 2004
Sustainable Urbanism in China
Ali Cheshmehzangi, Ayotunde Dawodu, Ayyoob Sharifi, 2021
Microwave Tomography: Global Optimization, Parallelization and Performance Evaluation
Sima Noghanian, Abas Sabouni, Travis Desell, Ali Ashtari (auth.), 2014
The Prophet's Heir: The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Hassan Abbas, 2021
Microbial systems biology : methods and protocols
Ali Navid (editor), 2021
Heritage Movements in Asia: Cultural Heritage Activism, Politics, and Identity
Ali Mozaffari (editor), Tod Jones (editor), 2019
The Ahmadis and the Politics of Religious Exclusion in Pakistan
Ali Usman Qasmi, 2014
Lonely Planet Best of East Coast Australia
Cristian Bonetto, Lindsay Brown, Jayne D'Arcy, Peter Dragicevich, Anthony Ham, Trent Holden, Anna Kaminski, Ali Lemer, Monique Perrin, Tim Richards, Tamara Sheward, Tom Spurling, Andy Symington, Benedict Walker, 2021
The Life of Ibn Hanbal
Ibn al-Jawzi, Abu al-Faraj Abd al-Rahman ibn Ali, Michael Cooperson (transl.), Garth Fowden, 2016
Atlas of Exfoliative Cytopathology: With Histopathologic Correlations
Syed Z. Ali MDFRCPathFIAC, Christopher J. VandenBussche MDPhD, Cheng-Ying Ho MDPhD, Doreen N. Palsgrove MD, Derek Allison MD, Ashley Cimino-Mathews MD, 2017
Contemporary language motivation theory : 60 years since Gardner and Lambert (1959)
Ali H. Al-Hoorie; Peter D. MacIntyre, 2020
Sin and Forgiveness in Christianity and Islam
Ezzia Ali Taha
The Path of Moderation in Islam and a Repudiation of Extremism
Shaykh Ali Nasir al-Faqihi
Benefits from the Introduction to Sahih Muslim
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ali al-Ithyubi
The Light of Sunnah vs. The Darkness of Bid’ah, According to the Qur’an and Sunnah
Shaykh Sa’eed ibn Ali ibn Wahf al-Qahtani
A Discussion of the Errors of Yusuf Ali
Majlisul Ulama of South Africa
The Book of Khartoum: A City in Short Fiction
Ali Al-Makk; Ahmed Al-Malik; Isa Al-Hilu; Arthur Gabriel Yak; Bawadir Bashir; Rania Mamoun; Bushra Al-Fadil; Mamoun Eltlib; Abdel Aziz Baraka Sakin; Hammour Ziada, 2016
Yeni Dünya, Sırça Köşk, Esirler
Sabahattin Ali, 2001