نتایج جستجو

Congress, the Media, and the Public: Who Reveals What, When, and How?
Stephen E. Frantzich, 2015
Alternative Art Surfaces : Mixed-Media Techniques for Painting on More Than 35 Different Surfaces.
Sandra Duran Wilson, 2014
The Media, Journalism and Democracy
Margaret Scammell; Holli Semetko, 2018
Media and Public Shaming: Drawing the Boundaries of Disclosure
Julian Petley, 2013
How Partisan Media Polarize America
Matthew Levendusky, 2013
Telepopulism: Media and Politics in Israel
Yoram Peri, 2004
Controlling the Message: New Media in American Political Campaigns
Victoria A. Farrar-Myers; Justin S. Vaughn, 2015
The Media, the Court, and the Misrepresentation: The New Myth of the Court
Rorie Spill Solberg; Eric N. Waltenburg, 2014
Als de dollar valt : alles over de kredietcrisis
Willem Middelkoop; LINE UP boek en media (Groningen) (editor), 2010
The Other Guy: Media Masculinity Within the Margins (Popular Culture and Everyday Life)
Toby Miller, Derek A. Burrill, 2014
Political Socialization in a Media-Saturated World (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Esther Thorson (editor), Mitchell S. McKinney (editor), Dhavan Shah (editor), 2016
Youth Community Inquiry: New Media for Community and Personal Growth (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Bertram Bruce (editor), Ann Peterson Bishop (editor), Nama R. Budhathoki (editor), 2014
Social Media, Culture and Politics in Asia (Frontiers in Political Communication)
Lars Willnat (editor), Annette Aw (editor), 2014
International Criminal Tribunals as Actors of Domestic Change: The Impact on Media Coverage, Volume 2 (Studies in Political Transition)
Irena Ristic (editor), Gerhard Kemp (editor), Klaus Bachmann (editor), 2019
Law and Popular Culture: A Course Book, 2nd Edition (Politics, Media, and Popular Culture)
Shannon Mader, Michael Asimow, 2013
Community-Based Multiliteracies and Digital Media Projects: Questioning Assumptions and Exploring Realities (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Heather M. Pleasants (editor), Dana E. Salter (editor), 2014
Impoliteness in Media Discourse (Interfaces)
Anna Baczkowska (editor), 2017
New Points of View on Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (New Trends in Translation Studies)
Anna Jankowska (editor), Agnieszka Szarkowska (editor), 2015
Food and Media: Practices, Distinctions and Heterotopias
Jonatan Leer (editor), Karen Klitgaard Povlsen (editor), 2016
Media Spectacle and Insurrection, 2011: From the Arab Uprisings to Occupy Everywhere
Douglas Kellner, 2012