نتایج جستجو

Being There Without Going There: Managing Teams Across Time Zones, Locations and Corporate Boundaries
George Van Ness, Keith Van Ness, 2003
Человеческий фактор: успешные проекты и команды
Том Демарко,Тимоти Листер, 1999
Человеческий фактор: успешные проекты и команды
Том Демарко,Тимоти Листер, 1999
LaTeX и его команды
Клименко С.В., Лисина М.В., 1996
Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom in a Book
Adobe Creative Team, 2002
An Analysis of the Inter-Dependency of the Prominent Motifs Within the Book of Qohelet
Richard Alan Fuhr Jr., 2012
6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams
Stephen E. Kohn, Vincent D. O'connell, 2007
6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams
Stephen Kohn, Vincent O'Connell, 2007
Harriers: The Making of a Championship Cross Country Team
Joseph Shivers, Paul Shivers, 2006
Prozessteams als eigenständige Akteure im Unternehmen
Prof. Dr. Joachim Fischer (auth.), Prof. Dr. Joachim Fischer, Dipl.-Kfm. Ralf Hluchy (eds.), 2001
Building the Team Super Series,
Institute of Leadership & Mana, 2007
Communication in Construction Teams (Spon Research)
Stephen Emmitt, 2006
Effective Child Abuse Investigation for the Multi-Disciplinary Team
Graham, Bradley Richard, 2014
One Goal: The Mindset of Winning Soccer Teams
Beswick, Bill, 2015
One Goal: The Mindset of Winning Soccer Teams
Bill Beswick, 2015
Outcasts United. The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town
Warren St. John, 2012
Successful German Soccer Tactics: The Best Match Plans for a Winning Team
Timo Jankowski, 2015