نتایج جستجو

Plasticity and Geotechnics
Hai-Sui Yu, 2006
Enterprise Reforms in a Centrally Planned Economy: The Case of the Chinese Bicycle Industry
Xun-Hai Zhang (auth.), 1992
The Web Resource Space Model
Hai Zhuge (auth.), 2008
Collective Online Platforms for Financial and Environmental Awareness: First International Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness and Intelligence, IFIN 2016 and First International Workshop on Internet and Social Media for Environmental Monitoring, ISEM 2016, Florence, Italy, September 12, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Anna Satsiou, Georgios Panos, Ioannis Praggidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Symeon Papadopoulos, Christodoulos Keratidis, Panagiota Syropoulou, Hai-Ying Liu (eds.), 2016
Hydrogen Energy Engineering: A Japanese Perspective
Kazunari Sasaki, Hai-Wen Li, Akari Hayashi, Junichiro Yamabe, Teppei Ogura, Stephen M. Lyth (eds.), 2016
Millôr Fernandes, 1997
Safety Message Broadcast in Vehicular Networks
Yuanguo Bi, Haibo Zhou, Weihua Zhuang, Hai Zhao (auth.), 2017
Programming Languages for MIS Concepts and Practice
Hai Wang, 2014
Cancer Management with Chinese Medicine. Prevention and Complementary Treatments
Rencun Yu, Hai Hong, 2017
Network and Parallel Computing: 14th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, NPC 2017, Hefei, China, October 20-21, 2017, Proceedings
Xuanhua Shi, Hong An, Chao Wang, Mahmut Kandemir, Hai Jin (eds.), 2017
Bài toán quỹ tích dễ hay khó
Lê Hải Châu, Nguyễn Xuân Qùy, 2001
Principles of Fluid Mechanics
Wen-Hsiung Li , Lam San-Hai, 1964
Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology
Shalin Hai-Jew, 2015
中国佛教百科全书 (全八册) / Zhong guo fo jiao bai ke quan shu
赖永海 / Lai yong hai, 2000
Foundation Engineering Analysis and Design
An-Bin Huang, Hai-Sui Yu, 2018
Tài liệu chuyên toán THCS Toán 7 - Tập hai
Vũ Hữu Bình, et al.
現代辛伯達航海記 /Xian dai Xinboda hang hai ji
Severin, Timothy, 1988