نتایج جستجو

Artificial Intelligence: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review (HBR Insights Series)
Harvard Business Review, Thomas H. Davenport, Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee, H. James Wilson, 2019
The Future of Work: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business
Harvard Business Review, 2021
Harvard Business Review Guides Ultimate Boxed Set (16 Books)
Harvard Business Review; Nancy Duarte; Bryan A. Garner; Mary Shapiro; Jeff Weiss, 2019
Artificial Intelligence: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review; Thomas H. Davenport; Erik Brynjolfsson; Andrew McAfee; H. James Wilson, 2019
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2020: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus article "How CEOs Manage Time" by Michael E. Porter and Nitin Nohria)
Harvard Business Review, Michael E. Porter, Nitin Nohria, Katrina Lake, Paul R. Daugherty, 2019
Using ArcMap: ArcGIS 9 (Arcgis 9)
ESRI PressESRI Press (Editor)Editors of Esri Press (Editor), 2004
A Century in Books: Princeton University Press 1905-2005
Staff PrincetonUniversity Press, 2005
A Press Achieved: The Emergence of Auckland University Press, 1927-1972
Dennis McEldowney, 2002
Fulfilling the promise : Virginia Commonwealth University and the city of Richmond, 1968-2009
Eugene P. Trani; John T. Kneebone; University of Virginia. Press., 2020
Ambiguities in Literature and Film: Selected Papers from the Seventh Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film (Florida State University ... on Literature and Film Selected Papers)
Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film (7th : 1982), Hans P. Braendlin, 1988
Measurement and Instrumentation, Second Edition: Theory and Application
Alan S Morris, Reza Langari Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley1991<br>M.Sc.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley1983<br>B.Sc. Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley1980, 2015
Artificial Neural Networks in Manufacturing
George A Rovithakis Affiliation: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; Stelios E Perrakis Affiliation: Technical University of Crete, Greece; Manolis A Christodoulou Affiliation: Technical University of Crete, Greece
Biofluid Mechanics, Second Edition: An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Macrocirculation, and Microcirculation
David Rubenstein Ph.D.Biomedical EngineeringStony Brook University, Wei Yin Ph.D.Biomedical EngineeringState University of New York at Stony Brook, Mary D. Frame Ph.D. University of MissouriColumbia, 2015
Riparia: Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Streamside Communities (Aquatic Ecology)
Robert J. Naiman - B.S. (1969) California State Polytechnic University - M.A. (1971) University of CaliforniaLos Angeles - Ph.D. (1974) Arizona State University, 2005
Encapsulated microbubbles and echogenic liposomes for contrast ultrasound imaging and targeted drug delivery
Shirshendu Paul Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE , 19716, USA; Rahul Nahire Affiliation: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND , 58108, USA; Sanku Mallik Affiliation: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND , 58108, USA; Kausik Sarkar Affiliation: Department of Mechanical, 2013
Design and aesthetics in wood
Eric A. Anderson, George F. Earle, State University College of Forestry at Syracuse University, Syracuse University. School of Art, New York State Science, 1972
Ambiguities in Literature and Film: Selected Papers from the Seventh Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film (Florida State University ... on Literature and Film Selected Papers)
Florida State University Conference on Literature, 1988
A First Course in Quality Engineering: Integrating Statistical and Management Methods of Quality, Third Edition
USA) Krishnamoorthi, K. S. (Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, USA) Krishnamoorthi, V. Ram (University of Chicago Medicine, Illinois, USA) Pennathur, Arunkumar (University of Texas at El Paso, 2018