نتایج جستجو

Calculated Choices in Policy-Making: The Theory and Practice of Impact Assessment
Michiel S. de Vries (auth.), 1999
UNDERSTAND BANKS & FINANCIAL MARKETS: An Introduction to the International World of Money and Finance
Michiel van den Broek, 2015
The politics of fear : Médecins sans frontières and the West African ebola epidemic
Au, Sokhieng; Hofman, Michiel, 2017
Identifying ignitable liquids in fire debris : a guideline for forensic experts
Grutters, Michiel; Hendrikse, Jeanet; Schäfer, Frank, 2016
Handleiding kortdurende schematherapie : Voor groepstherapie en individuele therapie
Michiel van Vreeswijk, Jenny Broersen (auth.), 2017
The Jews of Lemberg: A Journey to Empty Places
Heleen Zorgdrager; Michiel Driebergen, 2017
Plastic Soup: An Atlas of Ocean Pollution
Michiel Roscam Abbing, 4 Feb 2019
Analyzing Atonal Music: Pitch-Class Set Theory and Its Contexts
Michiel Schuijer, 2008
Universele Reisgids voor Moeilijke Landen
Jelle Brandt Corstius; Michiel van de Pol, 2014
ArgoUML User Manual : A tutorial and reference description
Alejandro Ramirez; Philippe Vanpeperstraete; Andreas Rueckert; Kunle Odutola; Jeremy Bennett; Linus Tolke; Michiel van der Wulp, 2011
Analog circuit design : scalable analog circuit design, high speed D/A converters, RF power amplifiers
Roermund, Arthur H. M. van; Steyaert, Michiel; Huijsing, Johan H., 2003
Groups and fields in arithmetic
Michiel Kosters, 2014
Environmental Governance in Latin America
Fábio de Castro, Barbara Hogenboom, Michiel Baud (eds.), 2016
Introduction to Theory of Computation
Anil Maheshwari, Michiel Smid, 2016
Digitale Etymologieën: Toevoegingen bij het Etymologisch Woordenboek van het Nederlands
Michiel de Vaan, 2020
Cultural Tourism in Latin America: The Politics of Space and Imagery
Michiel Baud, Annelou Ypeij, 2009
The Migration Industry in Asia: Brokerage, Gender and Precarity
Michiel Baas, 2020
Vlaamse belforten - Werelderfqoed
Michiel Heirman, 2003
Administración de compras y abastecimientos.
Michiel R. Leenders; Jhonson P. Fraser; Anna E. Flynn, 2011
Playful Identities: The Ludification of Digital Media Cultures
Michiel de Lange, Joost Raessens, Jos de Mul, Valerie Frissen, Sybille Lammes, 2015
Critical Realism, Feminism and Gender: a Reader
van Ingen, Michiel; Grohmann, Steph; Gunarsson Lena
History and Philosophy of the Humanities : An Introduction
Michiel Leezenberg and Gerard de Vries, 2017