نتایج جستجو

Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Hans Robert Hansen (auth.), Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Hans Robert Hansen, Prof. Dr. Hermann Krallmann, Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Seibt, Prof. Dr. Peter Stahlknecht, Prof. Dr. Horst Strunz, Prof. Dr. Rainer Thome, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wedekind (eds.), 1987
Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König (auth.), Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König, Prof. Dr. Hermann Krallmann, Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Seibt, Prof. Dr. Peter Stahlknecht, Prof. Dr. Horst Strunz, Prof. Dr. Rainer Thome, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wedekind (eds.), 1990
Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Klaus Kratzer, Wolfgang König, Peter Stahlknecht (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Peter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Andrea Back, Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König, Prof. Dr. Hermann Krallmann, Prof. Dr. Bodo Rieger, Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Seibt, Prof. Dr. Peter Stahlknecht, Prof. Dr. Horst Strunz, Prof. Dr. Rainer Thome, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wedekind, Andrea Engelhardt (eds.), 1997
Interfacial Fluid Dynamics and Transport Processes
R. E. Kelly (auth.), Ranga Narayanan, Dietrich Schwabe (eds.), 2003
Aerodynamik des Automobils: Eine Brücke von der Strömungsmechanik zur Fahrzeugtechnik
Syed R. Ahmed, Bernward Bayer, Norbert Deußen, Hans-Joachim Emmelmann, Helmut Flegl, Alfons Gilhaus, Hans Götz, Holger Großmann, Ralf Hoffmann, Wolf-Heinrich Hucho, Dietrich Hummel, Görgün A. Necati, Raimund Piatek, Michael Rauser, Dieter Schlenz, Wulf Sebbeße, Peter Steinberg (auth.), Dr.-Ing. Wolf-Heinrich Hucho (eds.), 1999
Handbook of Liquid Crystals
Dietrich Demus, John W. Goodby, George W. Gray, Hans W. Spiess, Volkmar Vill, 1998
Handbook of Liquid Crystals (3 Volume Set)
Dietrich Demus, John W. Goodby, George W. Gray, Hans W. Spiess, Volkmar Vill, 1998
Handbook of Liquid Crystals, Vol. 2B: Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals II
Dietrich Demus; John W. Goodby; George W. Gray; Hans-Wolfgang Spiess; Volkmar Vill, 1998
Handbook of Liquid Crystals, Volume 2A: Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals I
Dietrich Demus, John W. Goodby, George W. Gray, Hans-Wolfgang Spiess, Volkmar Vill, 1998
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2005
Polymer synthesis: theory and practice: fundamentals, methods, experiments
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2004
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice: Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments
Dietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, H. Ritter, Brigitte Voit, 2004
Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals
George W. Gray, Volkmar Vill, Hans W. Spiess, Dietrich Demus, John W. Goodby, 1999
Textures of Liquid Crystals
Dietrich Demus, Lothar Richter, 1978
AGI Data Sheets: For Geology in the Field Laboratory and Office
J. Thomas Dutro Jr., Richard Vincent Dietrich, Richard M. Foose, 1989
ASST ’87 6. Aachener Symposium für Signaltheorie: Mehrdimensionale Signale und Bildverarbeitung Aachen, 9.–12. September 1987
Hermann Schomberg (auth.), Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht (eds.), 1987
Floodplain modeling using HEC-RAS
Haestad Methods Water Solutions, David Klotx, Adam Strafaci, Annaleis Hogan, Kristen Dietrich, 2007
Myocardial Biopsy: Diagnostic Significance
P. J. Richardson (auth.), Professor Dr. Heinz-Dietrich Bolte (eds.), 1980
DGOR: Papers of the Annual Meeting/Vorträge der Jahrestagung
W. Trux (auth.), Prof. Dr. Günter Fandel, Dr. Dietrich Fischer, Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Pfohl, Dipl.-Math. Karl-Peter Schuster, Prof. Dr. Jochen Schwarze (eds.), 1981
Advances in Multi-Grid Methods: Proceedings of the conference held in Oberwolfach, December 8 to 13, 1984
O. Axelsson (auth.), Dietrich Braess, Wolfgang Hackbusch, Ulrich Trottenberg (eds.), 1985
Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies: Proceedings of the CEAS/DragNet European Drag Reduction Conference, 19–21 June 2000, Potsdam, Germany
Dietrich Knörzer (auth.), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Thiede (eds.), 2001
Marketing in the round: How to develop an integrated marketing campaign in the digital era
Gini Dietrich, Geoff Livingston, 2012
Marketing in the round: How to develop an integrated marketing campaign in the digital era
Gini Dietrich, Geoff Livingston, 2012
Space–Time Design of the Public City
Marco Mareggi (auth.), Dietrich Henckel, Susanne Thomaier, Benjamin Könecke, Roberto Zedda, Stefano Stabilini (eds.), 2013