نتایج جستجو

Graphing Data with R: An Introduction
John Jay Hilfiger, 2015
Ground-Based Wireless Positioning
Dr Kegen Yu, Ian Sharp, Professor Y. Jay Guo(auth.), John B. Anderson(eds.), 2009
Gynecologic Endocrinology
John G. Gruhn (auth.), Jay J. Gold M.D., F.A.C.P, John B. Josimovich M.D. (eds.), 1987
Handbook of Marriage and the Family
Jay D. Teachman, Karen A. Polonko, John Scanzoni (auth.), Marvin B. Sussman, Suzanne K. Steinmetz (eds.), 1987
How to Write Anything: A Guide and Reference with Readings with 2009 MLA and 2010 APA Updates
John J. Ruszkiewicz, Jay Dolmage, 2010
Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture
Ron Pinhasi, Jay T. Stock, 2011
Image Ethics: The Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television (Communication and Society)
Larry Gross, John Stuart Katz, Jay Ruby, 1991
International Handbook of Traumatic Stress Syndromes
Robert Jay Lifton (auth.), John P. Wilson, Beverley Raphael (eds.), 1993
Jay-Z. Hip-Hop Mogul
John Albert Torres, 2014
Hardboiled Web Design
Andy Clarke, Chris Mills, Tim van Damme, Owen Gregory, Kevin Cornell, Elliot Jay Stocks, 2010
Advances in Mobile Radio Access Networks
Y. Jay Guo, 2004
Building Better Boards: A Blueprint for Effective Governance
David A. Nadler, Beverly Behan, Mark Nadler, Jay W. Lorsch, 2005
Corporate Boards: New Strategies for Adding Value at the Top
Jay A. Conger, Edward E. Lawler III, David Finegold, III, Edward E. Lawler, 2001
Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (Optics and Photonics)
Philippe C. Becker N. Anders Olsson Jay R. Simpson, 1999
Decision Support: An Examination of the DSS Discipline
Paul Gray, Bob Johansen, Jay Nunamaker, Jeff Rodman, Gerald R. Wagner (auth.), David Schuff, David Paradice, Frada Burstein, Daniel J. Power, Ramesh Sharda (eds.), 2011
Decision Support: An Examination of the DSS Discipline
Paul Gray, Bob Johansen, Jay Nunamaker, Jeff Rodman, Gerald R. Wagner (auth.), David Schuff, David Paradice, Frada Burstein, Daniel J. Power, Ramesh Sharda (eds.), 2011
Decision Support: An Examination of the DSS Discipline
Paul Gray, Bob Johansen, Jay Nunamaker, Jeff Rodman, Gerald R. Wagner (auth.), David Schuff, David Paradice, Frada Burstein, Daniel J. Power, Ramesh Sharda (eds.), 2011
Apollo's Fire: Igniting America's Clean Energy Economy
Jay Inslee, Bracken Hendricks, 2007
American X-Vehicles: An Inventory-X-1 to X-50
Dennis R. Jenkins, Tony Landis, Jay Miller, 2005
Color Atlas of Forensic Pathology
Jay Dix, 1999
Color Atlas of Forensic Pathology
Jay Dix, 1999
Using ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst
Kevin Johnston Jay M. Ver Hoef Konstantin Krivoruchko, 2001
Autonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to NASA Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration Systems
Walt Truszkowski, Harold Hallock, Christopher Rouff, Jay Karlin, James Rash, Michael Hinchey, 2009
Geothermal HVAC
Jay Egg, Brian Howard, 2010