نتایج جستجو

Forced Migration and Human Security in the Eastern Orthodox World
Lucian N. Leustean, 2019
Electric Machines: Steady State and Performance with MATLAB®
Ion Boldea, Lucian N. Tutelea, 2021
Miscellanea romano-barbarica: In honorem septagenarii magistri Ion Ioniţă oblata
Virgil Mihăilescu-Bîrliba, Cătălin Hriban, Lucian Munteanu (ed.), 2006
Reading Fiction with Lucian: Fakes, Freaks and Hyperreality
Karen ní Mheallaigh, 2014
Lucian, True History : Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary.
Diskin Clay, 2021
Das Commissionsbedenken über die Erbfolge des Herzogtums Schleswig im offiziellen Auszuge
Karl Friedrich Lucian Samwer, 1847
Gumbo for the Soul III: Males of Color Share Their Stories, Meditations, Affirmations, and Inspirations
Brian L. Wright Ph.D. (editor), Nathaniel Bryan (editor), Christopher Sewell Ed.D. (editor), Lucian Yates III (editor), Michael Robinson Ed.D. (editor), Kianga Thomas Ed.D. (editor), 2019
Representing Religion in the European Union: Does God Matter?
Lucian N. Leustean (editor), 2012
Orthodox Christianity and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Southeastern Europe
Lucian N. Leustean (editor), 2014
Innovative Renewable Waste Conversion Technologies
Gheorghe Lazaroiu, Lucian Mihaescu, 2021
Luciani Opera. Tomus I - Libelli 1-25
of Samosata Lucian; Matthew Donald Macleod (editor), 1972
Luciani Opera. Tomus II - Libelli 26-43
of Samosata Lucian; Matthew Donald Macleod (editor), 1974
Luciani Opera. Tomus III - Libelli 44-68
of Samosata Lucian; Matthew Donald Macleod (editor), 1980
Trilogia cunoaşterii
Lucian Blaga, 2013
Experimentul si spiritul matematic
Lucian Blaga, 1998
Slavery's Descendants: Shared Legacies of Race and Reconciliation
Dionne Ford; Jill Strauss; Lucian K. Truscott, 2019
Lucian's Dialogues Prepared For Schools. With Short Notes In Greek
Rouse W.H.D., 1909
Dictionary of St. Lucian Creole
Jones E. Mondesir; Lawrence D. Carrington, 1992
Intelligent Techniques for Efficient Use of Valuable Resources: Knowledge and Cultural Resources
Larisa Ivascu, Lucian-Ionel Cioca, Florin Gheorghe Filip, 2022
Philostorgius Kirchengeschichte. Mit dem Leben des Lucian von Antiochien und den Fragmenten eines arianischen Historiographen
Philostorgius, Joseph Bidez, 1981
Lucian, Plato and Greek Morals
John Jay Chapman, 2017