نتایج جستجو

aka Marcel Duchamp: Meditations on the Identities of an Artist
Anne Collins Goodyear, James W. Mcmanus, 2014
Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp
Pierre Cabanne, 2009
Marcel Duchamp: Appearance Stripped Bare
Octavio Paz, 2014
The World of Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968
Calvin Tomkins, 1969
Computed Tomography, Anatomy, and Morphometry of the Lower Extremity
Henri-Marcel Hoogewoud M.D., Günter Rager, Hans-Beat Burch M.D. (auth.), 1990
Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales: Proceedings of the Workshop “Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales” held 7–9 August 1996, Wageningen, The Netherlands
J. Bouma, P. A. Finke, M. R. Hoosbeek, A. Breeuwsma (auth.), Peter A. Finke, Johan Bouma, Marcel R. Hoosbeek (eds.), 1998
Alla ricerca del tempo perduto. All'ombra delle fanciulle in fiore
Marcel Proust, a cura di Paolo Pinto e Giuseppe Grasso, 1997
Marcel Allain, Pierre Souvestre, 2010
Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology: Revised and Selected Papers from the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI 2011
Ladislav Hluchý, Marcel Kvassay (auth.), Radu-Emil Precup, Szilveszter Kovács, Stefan Preitl, Emil M. Petriu (eds.), 2012
Misez sur l'intelligence de vos employés et osez communiquer: huit règles pour réussir la négociation d'une convention collective
Sylvie Lavoie, Marcel Béliveau, 2005
Basic Principles of Membrane Technology
Marcel Mulder (auth.), 1991
Basic Principles of Membrane Technology
Marcel Mulder, 1996
Basic Principles of Membrane Technology, Second Edition
Marcel Mulder, 1996
Cationic Polymerizations (Plastics Engineering (Marcel Dekker), 35)
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, 1996
Swann's Way: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 1 (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Marcel Proust (Translated by Lydia Davis), 2004
In Search of Lost Time (Revised Modern Library translation)
Marcel Proust, 1992
In Search of Lost Time, Vol. 3: The Guermantes Way
Marcel Proust, 1993
In Search of Lost Time, Volume 4: Sodom and Gomorrah (Modern Library)
Marcel Proust, 1993