نتایج جستجو

Dr. P.X.J.M. Bouckaert, prof. dr. G.G.M. Essed (auth.), Prof. dr. J. Van Damme, Prof. dr. G.G.M. Essed, Prof. Dr. A. De Sutter (eds.), 2013
Stahlbau: Grundlagen und Tragwerke
Fritsch (auth.), OSTR Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Reinhold Fritsch, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hartmut Pasternak, O. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Günter Ramberger, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Friedrich Nahler, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Walter Siokola, O. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Georg Valentin, Dipl.-Ing. Jaroslav Koser, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Kocker (eds.), 1999
Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik
Prof. Dr. W. Hackbusch, Prof. Dr. H. R. Schwarz, Prof. Dr. E. Zeidler (auth.), Prof. Dr. E. Zeidler (eds.), 2003
Sport: Das Lehrbuch für das Sportstudium
Arne Güllich Prof. Dr., Michael Krüger Prof. Dr. (auth.), Arne Güllich Prof. Dr., Michael Krüger Prof. Dr. (eds.), 2013
Het Tandheelkundig Jaar 2013
F. Calberson, Chr. Deroose (auth.), Prof. dr. J.K.M. Aps, Dr. H.S. Brand, Prof. dr. J. Duyck, Dr. R.J.J. van Es, Prof. dr. R. Jacobs, Prof. dr. A. Vissink (eds.), 2013
Kommentar zum Deutschen Arzneibuch 6. Ausgabe 1926: Auf Grundlage der Hager-Fischer-Hartwichschen Kommentare der früheren Arzneibücher. Erster Band
Prof. Dr. O. Anselmino, Prof. Dr. Ernst Gilg (auth.), Prof. Dr. O. Anselmino, Prof. Dr. Ernst Gilg (eds.), 1928
Klinische Angiologie
Prof. Dr. med. Horst Rieger, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Schoop (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Horst Rieger, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Schoop (eds.), 1998
Controverting Kierkegaard (Selected Works of K.E. Logstrup)
K. E. Løgstrup, Prof Hans Fink, Prof Kees van Kooten Niekerk, Prof Bjørn Rabjerg, Prof Robert Stern, 2023
Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Chuanzheng Liu, Yanhui Liu, Mingsheng Wen, Tiefeng Li, Jianfa Lian, Shengwu Qin (auth.), Dr. Fawu Wang, Prof. Tonglu Li (eds.), 2009
Advanced Mechanics of Piezoelectricity
Prof. Qing-Hua Qin (auth.), 2013
Strength of Fibrous Composites
Prof. Zheng-Ming Huang, 2012
Lufthygiene und Klima: Ein Handbuch zur Stadt- und Regionalplanung
J. Löbel, J. Baumüller, U. Hoffmann, W. Kühling (auth.), Prof. Dipl.-Met. Hans Schirmer, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kuttler, Dr. Jürgen Löbel, Prof. Dr. Konradin Weber (eds.), 1993
Hochfrequenztechnik: Elektronik und Signalverarbeitung
em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Otto Zinke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Brunswig (auth.), Anton Vlcek, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dr.-Ing. h. c. Hans L. Hartnagel, Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mayer (eds.), 1999
Environmental Fate Modelling of Pesticides: From the Laboratory to the Field Scale
Prof Dr. O. Richter, Prof. B. Diekkruger, Prof. P. Nortersheuser(auth.), 1996
Diagnostic Criteria in Autoimmune Diseases
Maria Laura Bertolaccini MD, Graham R.V. Hughes MD, Munther A. Khamashta MD (auth.), Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld, Prof. Ricard Cervera, Prof. M. Eric Gershwin (eds.), 2008
Advances in Environmental Geotechnics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geoenvironmental Engineering in Hangzhou, China, September 8–10, 2009
R. Kerry Rowe (auth.), Prof. Yunmin Chen, Prof. Liangtong Zhan, Prof. Xiaowu Tang (eds.), 2010
Advances in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems: Dynamics, Spectroscopy, Clusters, and Nanostructures
Yasuteru Shigeta, Hideaki Miyachi, Toru Matsui, Norisuke Yokoyama, Kimihiko Hirao (auth.), Dr. Piotr Piecuch, Prof. Jean Maruani, Prof. Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, Prof. Stephen Wilson (eds.), 2009
Aktuelle Perspektiven der Biologischen Psychiatrie
Prof. Dr. D. Yves von Cramon (auth.), Prof. Dr. H.-J. Möller, Prof. Dr. F. Müller-Spahn, Dr. G. Kurtz (eds.), 1996
Topics in Analysis: Colloquium on Mathematical Analysis Jyväskylä 1970
G. D. Anderson (auth.), Prof. Olli Lehto, Prof. Ilppo Simo Louhivaara, Prof. Rolf Nevanlinna (eds.), 1974
Topics in Analysis: Colloquium on Mathematical Analysis Jyväskylä 1970
G. D. Anderson (auth.), Prof. Olli Lehto, Prof. Ilppo Simo Louhivaara, Prof. Rolf Nevanlinna (eds.), 1974
Plastics for Corrosion Inhibition
Prof. Victor A. Goldade, Prof. Leonid S. Pinchuk, Dr. Anna V. Makarevich, Prof. Vladimir N. Kestelman (auth.), 2005
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and PQQ-dependent Proteins
M. E. Winkler (auth.), Prof. Dr. Ana Iriarte, Prof. Dr. Marino Martinez-Carrion, Prof. Dr. Herbert M. Kagan (eds.), 2000
Clinical Biochemistry in Hepatobiliary Diseases: Proceedings of the International Satellite Symposium, Bologna, Italy, 1988
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Untersuchungen zur Koagulationsfähigkeit natürlicher und synthetischer Latices beim Naßspinnverfahren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Schütz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Jansen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Otto Lorenz (auth.), 1976