نتایج جستجو

Boundary-Spanning Marketing Organization: A Theory and Insights from 31 Organization Theories
G. Tomas M. Hult (auth.), 2011
Complexity and Self-Organization in Social and Economic Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Self-Organization in Social and Economic Systems Beijing, October 1994
Professor Ilya Prigogine (auth.), Prof. Fukang Fang, Prof. Michèle Sanglier (eds.), 1997
Creativity and Innovation in Organizational Teams Lea's Organization and Management (Hardcover)) (Series in Organization and Management)
Hoon-Seok Choi Leigh L. Thompson, 2005
Debating Organization:Point-Counterpoint in Organization Studies
Robert Westwood, 2003
Firms, Organization and Labour: Approaches to the Economics of Work Organization
Frank H. Stephen (eds.), 1984
Critically Constituting Organization (Advances in Organization Studies)
Andrew Chan, 2000
Leading and Managing People in the Dynamic Organization (Series in Organization and Management)
Randall S. Peterson, 2003
Management and Organization Paradoxes (Advances in Organization Studies)
Stewart Clegg, 2002
The Process-Based Organization: A Natural Organization Strategy
Gustavo Crosetto, 2005