نتایج جستجو

Storm in the Desert: Britain's Intervention in Libya and the Arab Spring
Mark Muller Stuart, 2017
2009-2012 Obama's First Term, Bush's "Legacy", Arab Spring & World Jihadism
Karl M. Van Meter, 2016
Amazigh Politics in the Wake of the Arab Spring
Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, 2022
The New Arab Social Order: A Study of the Social Impact of Oil Wealth
Saad E Ibrahim, 2019
Settler regimes in Africa and the Arab world : the illusion of endurance
Ibrahim A. Abu-Lughod (editor); Baha Abu-Laban (editor), 1974
Politics and the Military in Jordan: A Study of the Arab Legion, 1921-1957
P.J. Vatikiotis, 2017
The Next Arab Decade: Alternative Futures
Hisham Sharabi; هشام شرابي, 1988
Political-Military Relations and the Stability of Arab Regimes
Risa Brooks, 1998
Political Regimes in the Arab World: Society and the Exercise of Power
Ferran Izquierdo Brichs, 2012
Media Spectacle and Insurrection, 2011: From the Arab Uprisings to Occupy Everywhere
Douglas Kellner, 2012
Tunisia's International Relations Since the 'Arab Spring': Transition Inside and Out
Tasnim Abderrahim; Laura-Theresa Kruger; Salma Besbes; Katharina McLarren, 2017
Arab Society in Revolt: The West's Mediterranean Challenge
Cesare Merlini; Olivier Roy, 2012
Arab Development Challenges of the New Millennium
Belkacem Laabas, 2002
Arab Local Government in Israel
Mâǧid Alḥâǧ; Majid Al-haj; Henry Rosenfeld, 1990
The African Renaissance and the Afro-Arab Spring: A Season of Rebirth?
Charles Villa-Vicencio; Erik Doxtader; Ebrahim Moosa, 2015
A Political Economy of Arab Education: Policies and Comparative Perspectives
Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim, 2015
Muslim/Arab Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Understanding Sulha
Doron Pely, 2016
Salafism After the Arab Awakening: Contending with People's Power
Francesco Cavatorta (editor), Fabio Merone (editor), 2017
Non-Western Encounters With Democratization: Imagining Democracy After the Arab Spring
Christopher K. Lamont, Jan van Der Harst, Frank Gaenssmantel, 2016
Arab monetary integration : issues and prerequisites
Samir A. Makdisi; K. Haseeb, 2014