نتایج جستجو

New Era for Robust Speech Recognition: Exploiting Deep Learning
Shinji Watanabe, Marc Delcroix, Florian Metze, John R. Hershey (eds.), 2017
Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 20th International Symposium, RAID 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA, September 18–20, 2017, Proceedings
Marc Dacier, Michael Bailey, Michalis Polychronakis, Manos Antonakakis (eds.), 2017
Service-Oriented Computing: 15th International Conference, ICSOC 2017, Malaga, Spain, November 13–16, 2017, Proceedings
Michael Maximilien, Antonio Vallecillo, Jianmin Wang, Marc Oriol (eds.), 2017
Angewandte Mikroökonomie und Wirtschaftspolitik : Mit einer Einführung in die ökonomische Analyse des Rechts
Marc Scheufen (auth.), 2018
Zwischen Faszination und Verteufelung: Chemie in der Gesellschaft
Marc-Denis Weitze, Joachim Schummer, Thomas Geelhaar (eds.), 2017
China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative and South Asia: A Political Economic Analysis of its Purposes, Perils, and Promise
Jean-Marc F. Blanchard (eds.), 2018
Game Theory and Applications: 3rd Joint China-Dutch Workshop and 7th China Meeting, GTA 2016, Fuzhou, China, November 20-23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Deng-Feng Li,Xiao-Guang Yang,Marc Uetz,Gen-Jiu Xu (eds.), 2017
The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress
Marc Brightman,Jerome Lewis (eds.), 2017
Gesundheitsmanagement in Unternehmen: Arbeitspsychologische Perspektiven
Eberhard Ulich,Marc Wülser (auth.), 2018
Kunstgewrichten: knie en enkel
Koos van Nugteren, Patty Joldersma, Yvonne Kerkhoff, Niels van Lier, Jan Willem K. Louwerens, Arent Snaak, Marc Martens (auth.), 2016
Biografias del Rock
Trynka, Paul; Spitz, Marc
B.F. Skinner: A Reappraisal
Marc N. Richelle, 2016
De la etnografía a la antropología reflexiva : nuevos campos, nuevas prácticas nuevas apuestas
Christian Ghasarian, Marc Abélès, Irène Bellier, Patrice Cohen, Philippe Erikson, Sylvie Fainzang, Patrick Gaboriau, Maurice Godelier, François Laplantine, Anne-Marie Losonczy, Paul Ottino, 2008
Marc C. Hochberg et al., 2018
Out of Captivity: Surviving 1,967 Days in the Colombian Jungle
Marc Gonsalves, Keith Stansell, Tom Howes, 2009
Quantics: Rudiments of Quantum Physics
Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond, Francoise Balibar, 1990
Professional C++
Marc Gregoire, 2018
Professional C++
Marc Gregoire, 2018
B. F. Skinner: A Reappraisal
Marc N. Richell, 1993
Trump and Political Philosophy: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and Civic Virtue
Marc Benjamin Sable, Angel Jaramillo Torres, 2018
Lonely Planet Austria
Lonely Planet, Marc Di Duca, Kerry Christiani, Catherine Le Nevez, Donna Wheeler, 2017
Lonely Planet Austria
Lonely Planet, Marc Di Duca, Kerry Christiani, Catherine Le Nevez, Donna Wheeler, 2017