نتایج جستجو

California Science: Student Edition: Grade 3
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 4
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 5
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
Rabindranath Tagore: Adventure of Ideas and Innovative Practices in Education
Kumkum Bhattacharya (auth.), 2014
AIDS Education: Interventions in Multi-Cultural Societies
Jonathan M. Mann (auth.), Inon I. Schenker, Galia Sabar-Friedman, Francisco S. Sy (eds.), 1996
The Politics of Federal Reorganization. Creating the U.S. Department of Education
Beryl A. Radin, Willis D. Hawley, Richard A. Brody, Norman J. Ornstein and Paul E. Peterson (Auth.), 1988
International Education Aid in Developing Asia: Policies and Practices
I-Hsuan Cheng, Sheng-Ju Chan (eds.), 2015
E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: 7th International Conference, Edutainment 2012 and 3rd International Conference, GameDays 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, September 18-20, 2012. Proceedings
Andrés Saraos Luna, Valérie Gouranton, Bruno Arnaldi (auth.), Stefan Göbel, Wolfgang Müller, Bodo Urban, Josef Wiemeyer (eds.), 2012
E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: 7th International Conference, Edutainment 2012 and 3rd International Conference, GameDays 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, September 18-20, 2012. Proceedings
Andrés Saraos Luna, Valérie Gouranton, Bruno Arnaldi (auth.), Stefan Göbel, Wolfgang Müller, Bodo Urban, Josef Wiemeyer (eds.), 2012
Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: 4th International Conference on Serious Games, GameDays 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, April 1-5, 2014. Proceedings
Stefan Göbel, Josef Wiemeyer (eds.), 2014
Human resource management in education : contexts, themes, and impact
Justine Mercer; Bernard Barker; Richard Bird, 2010
Human Resource Management in Education: Contexts, Themes and Impact (Leadership for Learning Series)
Justine Mercer, Bernard Barker, Richard Bird, 2010
Technology in Education. Technology-Mediated Proactive Learning: Second International Conference, ICTE 2015, Hong Kong, China, July 2-4, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Jeanne Lam, Kwan Keung Ng, Simon K.S. Cheung, Tak Lam Wong, Kam Cheong Li, Fu Lee Wang (eds.), 2015
Culture and Adult Education: A Study of Alberta and Quebec
Hayden Roberts, 1982
Facing the Consequences: Using TIMSS for a Closer Look at U.S. Mathematics and Science Education
William H. Schmidt, Curtis C. McKnight, Leland S. Cogan, Pamela M. Jakwerth, Richard T. Houang, David E. Wiley, Richard G. Wolfe, Leonard J. Bianchi, Gilbert A. Valverde, Senta A. Raizen, Christine E. De Mars (auth.), 2002
Enacting a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: Values, Relationships and Practices
Tom Russell; J. John Loughran, 2007
International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices
J. John Loughran (auth.), J. John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton, Vicki Kubler LaBoskey, Tom Russell (eds.), 2004
Making a Difference in Teacher Education Through Self-Study: Studies of Personal, Professional and Program Renewal
Tom Russell (auth.), Clare Kosnik, Clive Beck, Anne R. Freese, Anastasia P. Samaras (eds.), 2005
Self-Studies of Science Teacher Education Practices
Shawn Michael Bullock (auth.), Shawn M. Bullock, Tom Russell (eds.), 2012
Teaching about Teaching: Purpose, Passion and Pedagogy in Teacher Education
Tom Russell, John Loughran, 1997
Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 1
Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Editor), 2001
Innovative Business Education Design for 21st Century Learning
Peter Daly, Kristen Reid, Patrick Buckley, Elaine Doyle (eds.), 2016
Chemistry Education: Best Practices, Opportunities and Trends
Javier García-Martínez, Elena Serrano-Torregrosa, 2015
Getting to graduation : the completion agenda in higher education
Andrew P. Kelly & Mark Schneider (eds.), 2012