نتایج جستجو

Phenomenology and Science: Confrontations and Convergences
Jack Reynolds, Richard Sebold (eds.), 2016
Interdisciplinary Reflective Practice through Duoethnography: Examples for Educators
Richard D. Sawyer, Joe Norris (eds.), 2016
Forms of Practitioner Reflexivity: Critical, Conversational, and Arts-Based Approaches
Hilary Brown, Richard D. Sawyer, Joe Norris (eds.), 2016
Global Climate Change Policy and Carbon Markets: Transition to a New Era
Richard H. Rosenzweig (auth.), 2016
Innovation in Science and Organizational Renewal: Historical and Sociological Perspectives
Thomas Heinze, Richard Münch (eds.), 2016
A Wealth of Buildings: Marking the Rhythm of English History: Volume II: 1688–Present
Richard Barras (auth.), 2016
Eleanor Roosevelt and Adlai Stevenson
Richard Henry (auth.), 2010
French Presidential Elections
Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Richard Nadeau, Éric Bélanger (auth.), 2011
Jihād: From Qur’ān to bin Laden
Richard Bonney (auth.), 2004
New Labour and Thatcherism: Political Change in Britain
Richard Heffernan (auth.), 2001
Contemporary U.S. Latino/ A Literary Criticism
Lyn Di Iorio Sandín, Richard Perez PhD (eds.), 2007
Horace and Housman
Richard Gaskin (auth.), 2013
Compact Heat Exchangers. Selection, Design and Operation
J.E. Hesselgreaves, Richard Law, David Reay, 2016
Biocompatibility of Dental Biomaterials
Richard Shelton, 2016
Understanding Pulmonary Pathology. Applying Pathological Findings in Therapeutic Decision Making
Richard L. Kradin, 2017
Producing Safe Eggs. Microbial Ecology of Salmonella
Steven C Ricke, Richard K Gast, 2016
Developing the Global Bioeconomy. Technical, Market, and Environmental Lessons from Bioenergy
Patrick Lamers, Erin Searcy, J. Richard Hess, Heinz Stichnothe, 2016
Technology and employment: innovation and growth in the U.S. economy
Richard M. Cyert, David C. Mowery (eds.), 1988
Classification and regression trees
Leo Breiman, Jerome Friedman, Richard A. Olshen, Charles J. Stone, 1984
Aspects of Faith in the Eunomian Controversy, Gregory of Nyssa against Eunomius
Richard Paul Vaggione, 1976
Richard de Saint-Victor : Les Douze Patriarches (Beniamin minor)
J. Châtillon, M. Duchet-Suchaux, J. Longère, 1997
War at Sea in the Ironclad Age
Richard Hill, 2000