نتایج جستجو

What is a God?: Studies in the Nature of Greek Divinity
Alan B. Lloyd, 2009
Mediterranean Capitalism Revisited (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)
Luigi Burroni, Emmanuele Pavolini; Marino Regini, 2022
Africana Studies: Theoretical Futures
Grant Farred (editor), 2022
Intelligent Town: An Urban History of Swansea, 1780-1855 (Studies in Welsh History)
Louise Miskell, 2012
The Heavens and the Earth: Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese, and Mediaeval Islamic Images of the World (International Comparative Social Studies, 52)
Vittorio Cotesta, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2021
Industrial Demand Response: Methods, best practices, case studies, and applications
Hassan Haes Alhelou, Antonio Moreno-Muñoz, Pierluigi Siano, 2022
The Relational Horse How Frameworks of Communication, Care, Politics and Power Reveal and Conceal Equine Selves (Human-animal Studies, 24)
Edited by Gala Argent, Eastern Kentucky University, and Jeannette Vaught, California State University-Los Angeles, 2022
First Amendment Studies in Arkansas: The Richard S. Arnold Prize Essays
Stephen Smith, 2016
Technology in Working Order: Studies of Work, Interaction and Technology
Graham Button (Ed.), 1992
Racism and Reaction in the United States: Two Marxian Studies
Herbert Aptheker, Bettina Aptheker, 1971
From Lisbon to Goa, 1500-1750. Studies in Portuguese Marine Enterprise
Charles R. Boxer, 1984
Studies in Ancient Greek Topography
William Kendrick Pritchett, 1965
Developing Language and Literacy: Studies in Honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid
Ronit Levie, Amalia Bar-On, Orit Ashkenazi, Elitzur Dattner, Gilad Brandes, 2022
Votives, places and rituals in Etruscan religion: studies in honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa
Margarita Gleba, Hilary Becker, 2009
The Psalms of Asaph and the Pentateuch: Studies in the Psalter, III
Michael D. Goulder, 1996
Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies: A Primer
Gunilla Oberg, 2010
Wave Energy Devices: Design, Development, and Experimental Studies
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Faisal Khan, Rouzbeh Abbassi, 2022
Handbook on Intelligent Techniques in the Educational Process: Vol 1 Recent Advances and Case Studies
Mirjana Ivanović, Aleksandra Klašnja-Milićević, Lakhmi C. Jain, 2022
Decision Sciences for COVID-19: Learning Through Case Studies
Said Ali Hassan, Ali Wagdy Mohamed, Khalid Abdulaziz Alnowibet, 2022
The Latin American Subaltern Studies Reader
Iliana Yamileth Rodriguez (editor), 2001
Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald
Stephen Baxter, Catherine Karkov, Janet L. Nelson, David Pelteret, 2017
The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere: From the Enlightenment to the Indignados (Studies in Latin American and Spanish History, 5)
David Jiménez Torres (editor), Leticia Villamediana González (editor), 2019
Philosophy on Fieldwork: Case Studies in Anthropological Analysis
Nils Bubandt (editor), Thomas Schwarz Wentzer (editor), 2022