نتایج جستجو

Case-Based Anesthesia: Clinical Learning Guides
George Shorten MD, 2009
The Distance Education Evolution: Issues and Case Studies
Dominique Monolescu, 2003
Soldiers and Politics in Eastern Europe, 1945–90: The Case of Hungary
Zoltan D. Barany (auth.), 1993
The Future of NATO Expansion: Four Case Studies
Zoltan Barany, 2003
A Skeptic's Case for Nuclear Disarmament
Michael E. O"Hanlon, 2010
The strange case of William Mumler, spirit photographer
Mumler, William H., 2008
Radionuclide Imaging of Infection and Inflammation: A Pictorial Case-Based Atlas
Elena Lazzeri, 2013
Case studies in interventional cardiology
Martin T Rothman, 2004
Coronary Artery Stenting: A Case-Oriented Approach
Nick Curzen, 2001
Clinical Pre Computer Proforma for the International Computer Database for Radiation Exposure Case Histories
Prof. Dr. Alexander Baranov, 1994
A Designer's Log: Case Studies in Instructional Design
Michael Power, 2010
Biodiversity in ecosystems: principles and case studies of different complexity levels
A. Kractochwil (auth.), 1999
Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy
Hermann Scheer, 2007
Cognitive Space and Linguistic Case: Semantic and Syntactic Categories in English (Studies in English Language)
Izchak M. Schlesinger, 1995
Lean Manufacturing in the Developing World: Methodology, Case Studies and Trends from Latin America
Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz, 2014
Hospitality Management: Case Study Assignments
Sally Messenger, 1991
Case Studies in Pediatric Critical Care
Peter J. Murphy, 2009
Case Studies in Food Safety and Environmental Health
Semih Otles (auth.), 2007