نتایج جستجو

Astral projection, ritual magic, and alchemy : Golden Dawn material by S.L. MacGregor Mathers and others ; edited and introduced by Francis King ; additional material by R.A. Gilbert
SLMacGregor Mathers; Francis King; RA Gilbert; Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 1987
An Illustrated Guide To Taping Techniques: Principles and Practice, Second Edition
Thomas John Hewetson MSc Sports Injury and TherapyBSc(Hons)Osteopathic MedicineDiploma OsteopathyPG Dip Sports Injury and TherapyPG Cert Sports Science, Karin Austin BPTBSc, Kathryn Gwynn-Brett BScPT, Sarah Marshall BScPT, 2009
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume II: Epidemiology, Evolution and Ecology,Immunology, Neural Systems and the Brain, and Innovative Mathematical Methods
Robert J. Smith (auth.), Andreas Deutsch, Rafael Bravo de la Parra, Rob J. de Boer, Odo Diekmann, Peter Jagers, Eva Kisdi, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Petr Lansky, Hans Metz (eds.), 2008
Convolution Equations and Singular Integral Operators: Selected Papers of Israel Gohberg and Georg Heinig Israel Gohberg and Nahum Krupnik
Leonid Lerer, Vadim Olshevsky (auth.), Leonid Lerer, Vadim Olshevsky, Ilya M. Spitkovsky (eds.), 2010
Freud and the Far East: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the People and Culture of China, Japan, and Korea
Salman Akhtar (ed.), 2009
Dynamics of Fibre Formation and Processing: Modelling and Application in Fibre and Textile Industry
Roland Beyreuther, Harald Brünig, 2010
Dynamics of Fibre Formation and Processing: Modelling and Application in Fibre and Textile Industry
Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. Roland Beyreuther, Dr. rer. nat. Harald Brünig (auth.), 2007
Historic Textile and Paper Materials II. Conservation and Characterization
S. Haig Zeronian and Howard L. Needles (Eds.), 1989
Abacus and Mah Jong: Sino-Mauritian Settlement and Economic Consolidation (European Expansion and Indigenous Response, V. 1)
Marina Carter, James Ng Foong Kwong, 2009
Global Change and Regional Impacts: Water Availability and Vulnerability of Ecosystems and Society in the Semiarid Northeast of Brazil
Thomas Gaiser, Luiz.G. R. Ferreira, Karl Stahr (auth.), Dr. Thomas Gaiser, Dr. Maarten Krol, Professor Horst Frischkorn, Professor Jose C. de Araújo (eds.), 2003
Biotechnology and Plant Breeding. Applications and Approaches for Developing Improved Cultivars
Aluízio Borém and Roberto Fritsche-Neto (Eds.), 2014
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 12th International Workshop, APPROX 2009, and 13th International Workshop, RANDOM 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2009. Proceedings
Ashkan Aazami, Joseph Cheriyan, Krishnam Raju Jampani (auth.), Irit Dinur, Klaus Jansen, Joseph Naor, José Rolim (eds.), 2009
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 12th International Workshop, APPROX 2009, and 13th International Workshop, RANDOM 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2009. Proceedings
Ashkan Aazami, Joseph Cheriyan, Krishnam Raju Jampani (auth.), Irit Dinur, Klaus Jansen, Joseph Naor, José Rolim (eds.), 2009
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: 12th International Workshop, APPROX 2009, and 13th International Workshop, RANDOM 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 21-23, 2009. Proceedings
Ashkan Aazami, Joseph Cheriyan, Krishnam Raju Jampani (auth.), Irit Dinur, Klaus Jansen, Joseph Naor, José Rolim (eds.), 2009
Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
Richard L. Purtill, 1974
Optical Metrology: Coherent and Incoherent Optics for Metrology, Sensing and Control in Science, Industry and Biomedicine
H. J. Caulfield (auth.), Olivério D. D. Soares (eds.), 1987
Occupational and environmental health : recognizing and preventing disease and injury
Barry S. Levy MDMPH, David H. Wegman MDMS, Sherry L. Baron MDMPH, Rosemary K. Sokas MDMOH, 2006
Tertiary Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Chesapeake Bay Region, Virginia and Maryland: Chesapeake Bay Region, Virginia and Maryland, July 15-July 17
Lauck W. Ward, David S. Powars(auth.)
Operation and Diagnostics of Machines and Production Systems Operational States (Applied Mechanics and Materials: Special Topic Volume)
Stanislav Fabian, Tibor Krenicky, Ivan Corny, 2013