نتایج جستجو

Violence in the lives of black women : battered, black, and blue
West, Carolyn Marie, 2013
A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change
Stephanie Buechler, Anne-Marie Hanson (eds.), 2015
First Aid for the Excavation of Archaeological Textiles
Carole Gillis, Marie-Louise Nosch, 2007
Forging multilingual spaces : integrated perspectives on majority and minority bilingual education
Hélot, Christine; De Mejía, Anne-Marie, 2008
A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800
Marie Tremaine, 1999
Early Canadian Printing: A Supplement to Marie Tremaine’s ’A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751 - 1800’
Patricia Lockhart Fleming, Sandra Alston, 1999
Making Space for the Dead: Catacombs, Cemeteries, and the Reimagining of Paris, 1780–1830
Erin-Marie Legacey, 2019
The Golden Horde in World History
Managing Editors of the Original Edition: Rafael Khakimov, Marie Favereau, 2017
Der Abenteurer und die Sängerin. Über Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Marie Luise Wandruszka, 2005
Women & Psychosis: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Marie Brown, Marilyn Charles, 2019
Prolégomènes à une théorie du langage, suivi de "La Structure fondamentale du langage"
Louis Hjelmslev; Una Canger; Annick Wewer; Anne-Marie Léonard; Vibeke Hjelmslev; Knud Togeby, 2000
Einstein’s theory of unified fields
Einstein, Albert; Tonnelat, Marie-Antoinette, 2014
Zur Gleichheit von Frauen und Männern
Marie le Jars de Gournay, Florence Hervé, Ingrid Nödinger, 1997
Engines of Empire: Steamshipping and State Formation in Colonial Indonesia
Joseph Norbert Frans Marie à Campo, 2002
The Great Cauldron: A History of Southeastern Europe
Marie-Janine Calic, Elizabeth Janik (transl.), 2019
Quelle vision de l’homme après Constantin?
Marie Anne Vannier, 2002
Quelle vision de l’homme au temps des martyrs
Marie Anne Vannier
The Sea in the Greek Imagination
Marie-Claire Beaulieu, 2016
The Very Simple Law of Attraction: Find Out What You Really Want from Life . . . and Get It!
Marie Diamond, 9 Oct 2018
La littérature grecque chrétienne
Anne-Marie Malingrey, 1996