نتایج جستجو

U.S. Astronomy and Astrophysics: Managing an Integrated Program
National Research Council, 2001
U.S. Conventional Prompt Global Strike
National Academy Press, 2008
Toward an Earth Science Enterprise Federation: Results from a Workshop
National Research Council, 1998
Uncertainty Management in Remote Sensing of Climate Data: Summary of a Workshop
National Research Council, 2009
Nutrient Requirements of Swine
National Research Council, 2012
Understanding Earth's Deep Past: Lessons for Our Climate Future (National Research Council)
Committee on the Importance of Deep-Time Geologic Records for Understanding Climate Change Impacts, 2011
Transitioning to Sustainability Through Research and Development on Ecosystem Services and Biofuels: Workshop Summary
National Research Council, 2008
Transitions to alternative transportation technologies : a focus on hydrogen
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Assessment of Resource Needs for Fuel Cell, 2008
The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century
National Academy of Engineering, 2004
Sustainability in the Chemical Industry: Grand Challenges And Research Needs -- a Workshop Book
National Research Council (U. S.), 2005
The Public Health Effects of Food Deserts: Workshop Summary
National Research Council, 2009
Systematics And the Origin of Species: On Ernst Mayr's 100th Anniversary
National Academy of Sciences, 2005
The Global Positioning System: A Shared National Asset
Aeronautics, 1997
Technology for a quieter America
National Academy of Engineering, 2010
Tenth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering
National Academy of Engineering, 2005
Testing of body armor materials : phase III
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Testing Armor Materials for Use by the U.S. Army, 2012
The Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft Project: An Interim Review of Science and Progress
National Research Council, 1998
The Atmospheric Sciences: Entering the Twenty-First Century
National Research Council, 1998
The Carbon Dioxide Dilemma: Promising Technologies and Policies: Proceedings of a Symposium April 23-24, 2002
National Academy of Engineering, 2003
Space Studies Board - Annual Report 2011
National Research Council (U.S.). Space Studies Board, 2012
Steps to Facilitate Principal-Investigator-Led Earth Science Missions
National Research Council, 2004
Strategies for Preservation of and Open Access to Scientific Data in China: Summary of a Workshop
U.S. National Committee for CODATA, 2006