نتایج جستجو

Data Analysis and Applications 4: Financial Data Analysis and Methods
Andreas Makrides (editor), Alex Karagrigoriou (editor), Christos H. Skiadas (editor), 2020
Node.js in Action
Alex R. Young, Bradley Meck, Mike Cantelon, Tim Oxley, Marc Harter, TJ Holowaychuk, Nathan Rajlich, 2017
Breve storia delle Alpi tra clima e meteorologia (Italian Edition)
Cittadella Alex, 2019
Database Internals
AlexPetrov, 2019
Hadoop in Practice
Alex Holmes, 2014
Oracle SQL Revealed: Executing Business Logic in the Database Engine
Alex Reprintsev, 2018
Brain Magnet: Research Triangle Park and the Idea of the Idea Economy
Alex Sayf Cummings, 2020
Russian-Belarusian integration: playing games behind the Kremlin walls
Alex Danilovich, 2006
Read Critically
Alex Baratta, 2020
Handbook of Quantitative Criminology
Alex R. Piquero & David Weisburd
The Idea of Writing: Writing Across Borders
Alex de Voogt (Editor), Joachim Friedrich Quack (Editor), 2012
Cosmology for the Curious
Delia Perlov; Alex Vilenkin, 2017
Fisica sociale. Come si propagano le buone idee
Alex Pentland, 2015
The End of Policing
Alex S. Vitale
Law School Exams: A Guide To Better Grades
Alex Schimel
Trans Mission ; My Quest to a beard
Alex Bertie, 2019
Inventing the future: postcapitalism and a world without work
Nick Srnicek, Alex Williams, 2015
Bad Banks: Greed, Incompetence and the Next Global Crisis
Brummer, Alex, 2014
Canadian Failures: Stories of Building Toward Success
Alex Benay, 2017
Il teatro e la crudeltà (e/o)
Antonin Artaud; Alex Giuzio, 2019