نتایج جستجو

In the Presence of English: Media and European Youth (Language Policy)
Margie Berns, 2006
In the Presence of English: Media and European Youth (Language Policy)
Margie Berns, 2006
Dealing with the Media
Chris Rau, 2010
Israel and Palestine: Competing Histories
Mike (Glasgow University Media Group) Berry, 2006
Trade Unions and the Media
Peter Beharrell, 1977
Social Media Retrieval
Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, 2013
The Radio Handbook (Media Practice)
Carole Fleming, 2002
Killer Fat: Media, Medicine, and Morals in the American “Obesity Epidemic”
Natalie Boero, 2012
Convergent Media and Privacy
Tim Dwyer (auth.), 2015
Filming the Gods: Religion and Indian Cinema (Religion and Media)
Rachel Dwyer, 2006
Media Capital: Architecture and Communications in New York City
Aurora Wallace, 2012
Der Weg zum Social Business: Mit Social Media Methoden erfolgreicher werden
Peter Schütt, 2013
Environmental Risks and the Media
Barbara Adam, 2000
Communicator-in-chief: how Barack Obama used new media technology to win the White House
John Allen Hendricks, 2010
Crossroads in New Media, Identity and Law: The Shape of Diversity to Come
Wouter de Been, 2015
An introduction to digital media
Tony Feldman, 1996
WebRTC Blueprints: Develop your very own media applications and services using WebRTC
Andrii Sergiienko, 2014