نتایج جستجو

Diversity in Archaeology: Proceedings of the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference 2020/2021
Elifgl Dogan (editor), Mariana Pinto Leitao Pereira (editor), Oliver Antczak (editor), Min Lin (editor), Phoebe Thompson (editor), 2022
Pedagogia da exclusão: Crítica ao neoliberalismo em educação
Pablo Gentili, Michael W. Apple, Gaudêncio Frigotto, Carlos Alberto Torres, Marília Fonseca, Marcio da Costa, Stephen J. Ball, Robert W. Connell, Roger Dale, Anita Oliver, Daniel H. Suárez, 1999
Aristotle, De motu animalium: Text and Translation
Oliver Primavesi, Christof Rapp, Benjamin Morison, 2023
VVG: Band 2 §§ 19-73 VVG
Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Robert Koch (editor); Roland Michael Beckmann (editor); Oliver Brand (editor); Christoph Brömmelmeyer (editor); et al. (editor), 2022
Cell Viability Assays: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2644)
Oliver Friedrich (editor), Daniel F. Gilbert (editor), 2023
Funktionen des Lebendigen
Thiemo Breyer (editor); Oliver Müller (editor), 2016
Subjekt und Person: Beiträge zu einem Schlüsselproblem der klassischen deutschen Philosophie
Oliver Koch; Johannes-Georg Schülein, 2019
Mistakes in Clinical Neuropsychology: Learning from a Case-based Approach
Oliver Turnbull, Rudi Coetzer, Christian Salas, 2023
Lachmanns Erbe: Editionsmethoden in klassischer Philologie und germanistischer Mediävistik
Anna Kathrin Bleuler, Oliver Primavesi (eds.), 2022
WISO: Sicherheit bei der neuen Rentenbesteuerung
Oliver Heuchert, 2010
Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Eine Einführung aus marketingorientierter Sicht
Marc Oliver Opresnik, Carsten Rennhak, 2011
40: Forty
Margaret Atwood; Margaret Drabble; Michel Faber; Matt Haig; Yann Martel; Patrick Ness; Ruth Ozeki; Philip Pullman; Alasdair Gray; Geoff Dyer; Karl Pilkington; Tao Lin; Ben Brooks; Simon Tofield; Rebecca Miller; Steven Hall; Charles M Schulz; Carol Birch; Oliver Burkeman; Simon Garfield; David Eagleman; Lemn Sissay; Dave Brown; Olivia Laing; David Shrigley; Tahmima Anam; Claudia Hammond; Lily Vanilli; Richard Holloway; Susan Elderkin; Ella Berthoud; Angus Hyland; Patience Agbabi; Marion Deuchars;
VVG: Band 2 §§ 33-73
Roland Michael Beckmann; Oliver Brand; Knut Höra; Reinhard Renger; Hans-Peter Schwintowski, 2010
Cultural Policy Review of Books
Oliver Bennett, 2017
Aktiengesetz: Band 1 Einleitung; §§ 1-53
Sebastian Mock; Heinz-Dieter Assmann; Oliver C. Brändel; Christine Windbichler; Volker Röhricht; Karsten Schmidt; Ulrich Ehricke; Hans-Joachim Priester, 2004
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties : a commentary
Oliver Dörr; Kirsten Schmalenbach, 2012
VVG: Band 10 Krankenversicherung §§ 192-208
Oliver Brand; Arno Schubach; Conrad Waldkirch, 2020
Engaging Communities and Service Users: Context, Themes and Methods
Billie Oliver; Bob Pitt, 2013
Monarchie und Diplomatie: Handlungsoptionen und Netzwerke am Hof Sigismunds III. Wasa
Kolja Lichy, Oliver Hegedüs (eds.), 2023
After the Text: Byzantine Enquiries in Honour of Margaret Mullett
Liz James, Oliver Nicholson, Roger Scott (eds.), 2022
Entrepreneurial Governance in the Neoliberal Era
Oliver Cowart, 2021
After the Text: Byzantine Enquiries in Honour of Margaret Mullett
Liz James (editor), Oliver Nicholson (editor), Roger Scott (editor), 2021