نتایج جستجو

Conditional Press Influence in Politics (Lexington Studies in Political Communication)
Adam J. Schiffer, 2008
Pulsed Neural Networks
MIT Press, 1998
John Peter Zenger: Free Press Advocate
Karen Westermann, 2001
Reporting the War: Freedom of the Press from the American Revolution to the War on Terrorism
John Byrne Cooke, 2007
Reporting the War: Freedom of the Press from the American Revolution to the War on Terrorism
John Byrne Cooke, 2008
Reporting the War: Freedom of the Press from the American Revolution to the War on Terrorism
John Byrne Cooke, 2007
The press and the cold war
James Aronson, 1990
Science and scientists
Salem Press, 2006
Survey of American Industry and Careers (6 Volume Set)
Salem Press, 2011
The Impacts of Technological Change
The Editors of Salem Press
Theories of Social Movements
The Editors of Salem Press, 2011
Apple Training Series Desktop and Portable Systems
Peachpit Press, 2005
Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, Paraglyph Press
Jesse Torres, 2004
Encounters in the Victorian Press: Editors, Authors, Readers
Laurel Brake, 2005
The Lure of Illustration in the Nineteenth Century: Picture and Press
Laurel Brake, 2009
The Lure of Illustration in the Nineteenth Century: Picture and Press
Laurel Brake, 2009