نتایج جستجو

The Red Cross Movement: Myths, Practices and Turning Points
Neville Wylie; Melanie Oppenheimer; James Crossland, 2020
Teoría política. Definición de un campo
Programa de Estudios en Teoría Política - CIECS, Emmanuel Biset, (editores); Wendy Brown, William E. Connolly, Adriana Cavarero, James Tully, Michael Freeden, (autores); Juan Reynares, Emmanuel Biset, Ramiro Galarraga, Sofía Benencio, Natalia Martínez, Constanza Filloy, Mariano Portal, (traductores), 2022
Historias de cambio de los ashéninka (Arawak)
Ronald James Anderson, (aut.); Marlene Ballena Dávila, (trad.), 2002
Clinton's Grand Strategy: US Foreign Policy in a Post-Cold War World
James D. Boys, 2015
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897
James D. Richardson, 2017
Congress and the American Tradition
James Burnham, 1959
Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery)
Christopher Bulstrode (editor), James Wilson-MacDonald (editor), Deborah M. Eastwood (editor), John McMaster (editor), Jeremy Fairbank (editor), Parminder J. Singh (editor), Sandeep Bawa (editor), Panagoitis D. Gikas (editor), Tim Bunker (editor), 2017
First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Oral Boards, Second Edition
David Howes, Tyson Pillow, Janis Tupesis, James Ahn, John Dayton, Nestor Rodriguez, 2018
Dear Alben: Mr. Barkley of Kentucky
James K. Libbey, 1979
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Psychiatry, Third Edition (LANGE CURRENT Series)
Michael Ebert, James Leckman, Ismene Petrakis, 2018
Defense Policies of East-Central European Countries After 1989: Creating Stability in a Time of Uncertainty
James W. Peterson; Jacek Lubecki, 2019
Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Fascism
A. James Gregor, 1979
International May Day and American Labor Day: A Holiday Expressing Working Class Emancipation Versus a Holiday Exalting Labor's Chains
Boris Reinstein; James Zimmerhoff, 2017
The Hindrances to Good Citizenship
James B. Bryce, 1993
Fixing This Broken Thing...The American Criminal Justice System
James B Bolen PhD, 2018
El proceso de urbanización en América desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días. Actas y memorias del XXXIX Congreso Internacional de Americanistas
Richard Schaedel, Woodrow Borah, Harley Browning, Duccio Bonavia Berber, Roberto Cortés Conde, Nancy López, Frédéric Mauro, Alejandro Rofman, Jorge Hardoy, Alejandra Moreno, Marcos Kaplan, Barbara Price, James Scobie, Markos Mamalakis, Edward Calneck, Ralph Gakenheimer, Graziano Gasparini, Edwin Palm, Richard Morse, 1972
Aeroform: Designing for Wind and Air Movement
James Jones, Demetri Telionis, 2022
El poder de la mujer y la subversión de la comunidad
Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Selma James, 1977
Numeri intelligenti. La matematica che fa funzionare l’intelligenza artificiale di Google, Facebook, Apple & Co.
Nick Polson, James Scott, 2019
The Origins Of The First World War
James Joll, Gordon Martel 9781003306733, 2023
Aristotelian Methodology: A Commentary on the Posterior Analytics of Aristotle
James A. Weisheipl, 1958
Medical Crises in Eating Disorders
James R. Kirkpatrick, 2022