نتایج جستجو

Challenges in the Management of New Technologies (Management of Technology ? Vol. 1) (Management of Technologies)
Marianne Horlesberger, Mohamed El-nawawi, Tarek Khalil, 2007
Experimental Learning in Production Management: IFIP TC5 / WG5.7 Third Workshop on Games in Production Management: The effects of games on developing production management 27–29 June 1997, Espoo, Finland
M. Uretsky (auth.), Riitta Smeds, Jens O. Riis (eds.), 1998
Games in Operations Management: IFIP TC5/WG5.7 Fourth International Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Integrated Production Management Systems and the European Group of University Teachers for Industrial Management EHTB November 26–29, 1998, Ghent, Belgium
Matleena Pankakoski (auth.), Jens O. Riis, Riitta Smeds, Rik Van Landeghem (eds.), 2000
Involving Customers in New Service Development (Series on Technology Management, V. 11) (Series on Technology Management) (Series on Technology Management)
Bo Edvardsson, Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson, Peter Magnusson, Jonas Matthing, 2006
Engineering Asset Management - Systems, Professional Practices and Certification: Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2013) & the 3rd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety (ICUMAS)
Peter W. Tse, Joseph Mathew, King Wong, Rocky Lam, C.N. Ko (eds.), 2015
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Operations Management (Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Management) (Volume 10)
Nigel Slack, Michael Lewis, 2006
Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Volume 4 (Advances in Business and Management Forecasting) (Advances in Business and Management Forecasting)
Kenneth D Lawrence, Michael D. Geurts, 2006
Effective People Management: Improve Performance, Delegate More Effectively, Handle Problem Staff and Manage Conflict
Hylton Menz PhDBPod(Hons), 2011
Modernes Immobilienmanagement: Facility Management und Corporate Real Estate Management
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Pfnür (auth.), 2002