نتایج جستجو

Другое благовестие «Евангелие Иуды» Исследование, перевод и комментарий
Хосроев А.Л., 2014
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice
Ross C. Brownson, 2012
Giovenale, "Satira" 8: Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento
Giuseppe Dimatteo, 2014
Style and Ideology in Translation: Latin American Writing in English
Jeremy Munday, 2007
Human Rights in Transnational Business: Translating Human Rights Obligations into Compliance Procedures
Julia Ruth-Maria Wetzel (auth.), 2016
Fauna and Flora of the Bible (Helps for Translators)
United Bible Societies, 1980
Fauna and Flora of the Bible (Helps for Translators)
United Bible Societies, 1980
Reversing Babel: Translation Among the English During an Age of Conquests, c. 800 to c. 1200
Bruce R. O"Brien, 2011
Verstehen und Übersetzen. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch
Paul Kußmaul, 2010
The Central Philosophy of Tibet: A Study and Translation of Jey Tsong Khapa's Essence of True Eloquence
Tsoṅ-kha-pa Blo-bzaṅ-grags-pa, 1991
Greek Enchiridion: A Concise Handbook of Grammar for Translation and Exegesis
William Graham MacDonald, 1986
华章数学译丛 11 线性代数及其应用
(美)莱(Lay, 1991
Voyage to India, translated by Count Wielhorski
Athanasius Nikitin of Twer, 2000
Coming up Roses (Harper Monograms)
Catherine Anderson, 1993
Automatic Translation of Languages. Papers Presented at NATO Summer School Held in Venice, July 1962
Aldo Ghizzetti (Auth.), 1966
Практические основы перевода. English - Russian.
Казакова Т.А., 2001
Теория перевода
Николай Константинович Гарбовский, 2007
Al-Kindi's Metaphysics: A Translation of Ya'qūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī's Treatise On First Philosophy (fī al-Falsafah al-Ūlā)
Ya"qūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī, 1974