نتایج جستجو

Spatial Planning and Urban Development in the New Eu Member States: From Adjustment to Reinvention
Uwe Altrock; Simon Guntner; Sandra Huning; Deike Peters, 2006
Análises geográficas sobre o território brasileiro: dilemas estruturais à Covid-19
Flamarion Dutra Alves e Sandra de Castro de Azevedo, 2020
Here and There: Sites of Philosophy
Stanley Cavell, Nancy Bauer (editor), Alice Crary (editor), Sandra Laugier (editor), 2022
The Spirit of Generosity
Curtis Simic, Sandra Bate, 2019
Africa's Ogun: Old World and New (African Systems of Thought)
Sandra T. Barnes (editor), 1997
Choosing a Contraceptive: Method Choice in Asia and the United States
Rodolfo A. Bulatao (editor), James A. Palmore (editor), Sandra E. Ward (editor), 2019
Vietnamese Women at War: Fighting for Ho Chi Minh and the Revolution
Sandra C. Taylor, 1999
South-South Transfer: A Study of Sino-African Exchanges
Sandra Gillespie, 2001
APL2 at a Glance
James A. Brown; Sandra Pakin; Raymond P. Polivka, 1988
Marx e Engels: luta de classes, socialismo científico e organização política
Sandra M. M. Siqueira, Francisco Pereira
Marx e Engels: síntese de uma trajetória teórico-política: primeira parte da juventude à revolução burguesa de 1848
Sandra M. M. Siqueira, Francisco Pereira
Marx atual: textos sobre a vigência do marxismo na contemporaneidade
Sandra M. M. Siqueira, Francisco Pereira
O marxismo depois de Marx e Engels: conquistas teóricas, políticas e programáticas no século XX
Sandra M. M. Siqueira, Francisco Pereira
Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance?
Sandra Walklate, Karen Evans, 2019
Building Regulations and Urban Form, 1200-1900
Terry R. Slater, Sandra M.G. Pinto, 2019
The Emerald Handbook of Feminism, Criminology and Social Change
Sandra Walklate (editor), Kate Fitz-Gibbon (editor), Jude McCulloch (editor), JaneMaree Maher (editor), 2020
Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes en América Latina. Normas, Políticas y Prácticas
Daniel Mato, (ed.); Daniel Mato, Mirta Millán, María Choque, Maria de Oliveira-Pankararu, Luis Cuji, Juan Chojoj, Mindahi Bastida, Sandra Davis, Marcos Williamson, Gavina Córdova, (auts.), 2012
Beyond the Risk Society
Gabe Mythen, Sandra Walklate, 2006
Learning From Shōgun: Japanese History and Western Fantasy
Henry D. Smith II; David Plath; Elgin Heinz; Sandra Piercy; Ronald Toby; Chieko Mulhern; William R. LaFleur; Susan Matisoff, 1980
Desafíos y paradojas de la comunicación en América Latina: las ciudadanías y el poder. GT 8. COMUNICACIÓN POPULAR, COMUNITARIA Y CIUDADANÍA / GT 8. COMUNICAÇÃO POPULAR, COMUNITÁRIA E CIDADANIA
Washington Uranga, Sandra Meléndez, Nívea Bona, (eds.), 2020
Interculturalizaciones. Transiciones, mediaciones y conflictos en lenguas, comunidades y educación escolar
Héctor Muñoz, (ed.); Héctor Muñoz, Patxi Baztarrika Galparsoro, Isabel Martínez, Sandra Muñoz, Hedy Penner, Patricia Mena, Nonato Chuquimamani, Claudio Millacura, Cruz Corona, Pedro Cortés, Gabriel Cruz, Gabriel Ortiz, Luis Ávila, Karla Tobón, Gabriela Velásquez, (auts.), 2015
Akademie Deutsch A2+. Band 2 - Intesivlehrwerk mit Audios online: Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Britta Schenk; Sandra Bleiner; Sabrina Schmohl, 2019
Akademie Deutsch A1+: Band 1.Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Zusatzmaterial mit Audios online
Sandra Bleiner; Jana Glaser; Michaela Wirtz, 2019
Alternative Art Surfaces : Mixed-Media Techniques for Painting on More Than 35 Different Surfaces.
Sandra Duran Wilson, 2014