نتایج جستجو

Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy
Alcoff, Linda Martín; Bartky, Sandra; Brennan, Teresa (editor), 2003
Parar para avanzar. Crónica del movimiento estudiantil que paró a Colombia
Sandra Borda, 2020
Parar para avanzar. Crónica del movimiento estudiantil que paró a Colombia
Sandra Borda, 2020
The Feminist Standpoint Theory Reader. Intellectual and Political Controversies
Sandra Harding (ed.), 2004
Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics: In honor of Charles J. Fillmore
Masayoshi Shibatani, Sandra A. Thompson, 1996
Tebtynis und Soknopaiu Nesos. Leben im römerzeitlichen Fajum. Akten des Internationalen Symposions vom 11. bis 13. Dezember 2003 in Sommerhausen bei Würzburg
Sandra Luisa Lippert; Maren Schentuleit, 2005
Publishing in Brazil
Sandra Reimão, 2019
Mercado editorial brasileiro
Sandra Reimão, 2018
O que é romance policial
Sandra Reimão, 1990
Repressão e Resistência: Censura a Livros na Ditadura Militar
Sandra Reimão, 2019
Livros e televisão: correlações
Sandra Reimão, 2021
When Women Won the Vote: The Final Decade, 1910-1920
Sandra Opdycke, 2020
Modern in the Making: MoMA and the Modern Experiment, 1929–1949
Austin Porter (editor), Sandra Zalman (editor), 2020
Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic
Ahron Friedberg, Sandra Sherman, 2020
Post-Liberal Peace Transitions: Between Peace Formation and State Formation
Oliver P. Richmond and Sandra Pogodda, 2016
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practice of Graphic Design
David Dabner, Sandra Stewart, Abbie Vickress, 2020
Mortmain Legislation and the English Church 1279-1500
Sandra Raban, 1982
Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities
Sandra Harding, 2008
Space Habitats and Habitability - Designing for Isolated and Confined Environments on Earth and in Space
Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, 2021
Cocina vegetariana
Sandra Figueroa de Castro & Consuelo Bedoya de Acuña, 2009
When your child has Lyme disease : a parent’s survival guide : practical strategies for coping with an illness that can be shattering to family life
Sandra K Berenbaum; Dorothy Kupcha Leland
Graphic design school : the principles and practice of graphic design.
Sandra Stewart; David Dabner; Abbie Vickress, 2020
La casta autonómica
Gabriel Cruz García Sandra Mir Mayor, 2012