نتایج جستجو

A Structural Analysis of Expectation Formation: Based on Business Surveys of French Manufacturing Industry
Prof., Ph D Marc Ivaldi (auth.), 1991
Intercorporate Relations: The Structural Analysis of Business (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences)
Mark S. Mizruchi, Michael Schwartz, 1992
Bigger Isn't Always Better: The New Mindset for Real Business Growth
Robert M. Tomasko, 2006
Bigger Isn't Always Better: The New Mindset for Real Business Growth
Robert M. Tomasko, 2006
Co-Opetition : A Revolution Mindset That Combines Competition and Cooperation : The Game Theory Strategy That's Changing the Game of Business
Adam M. Brandenburger, Barry J. Nalebuff, 1997
Managing Across Cultures: The Seven Keys to Doing Business with a Global Mindset
Charlene Solomon, Michael S. Schell, 2009
Financial Structure in Small Business: Theory, Tests and Applications
Dr. D. van der Wijst (auth.), 1989
Action Reflection Learning (TM): Solving Real Business Problems by Connecting Learning with Earning
Isabel Rimanoczy, Ernie Turner, 2008
99% Inspiration: Tips, Tales & Techniques for Liberating Your Business Creativity
Bryan W. Mattimore, 1993
99% Inspiration: Tips, Tales, and Techniques for Liberating Your Business Creativity
Bryan W. Mattimore, 1993
Breakthrough Zone : Harnessing Consumer Creativity for Business Innovation
Roy Langmaid, Mac Andrews, 2003
Business Creativity: Breaking the Invisible Barriers
Arthur Gogatz Reuben Mondejar, 2005
Business Creativity: Breaking the invisible barriers
Arthur Gogatz, Reuben Mondejar (auth.), 2005
A Manager’s Primer on e-Networking: An Introduction to Enterprise Networking in e-Business ACID Environment
Dragan Nikolik (auth.), 2003
An Introduction to Business Accounting for Managers
W. C. F. Hartley (Auth.), 1980
An Introduction to Business Accounting for Managers
W. C. F. Hartley (Auth.), 1987
Breakthrough Business Negotiation: A Toolbox for Managers
MichaelWatkins, 2002
Breakthrough Business Negotiation: A Toolbox for Managers
MichaelWatkins, 2002
Business Analytics for Managers
Wolfgang Jank (auth.), 2011
Business Analytics for Managers
Wolfgang Jank (auth.), 2011