نتایج جستجو

The Idea of Social Structure: Papers in Honor of Robert K. Merton
Lewis A. Coser (editor), 2012
Humayun's Garden Party: Princess of the House of Timur & Early Mughal Painting
British Museum, TV Asia, Sheila R. Canby (editor), 1995
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: Volume 1: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures
Walt Stanchfield, Don Hahn (editor), 2009
The Pennsylvania-German
P. C. Croll (editor), 1900-01
The Pennsylvania-German
P. C. Croll (editor), 1902-03
The Pennsylvania-German
P. C. Croll (editor), 1904-05
Feminist Nationalism
Lois West (editor), 1997
Schools and Styles of Anthropological Theory
Matei Candea (editor), 2018
Media Spectacles
Marjorie Garber, Jann Matlock, Rebecca L. Walkowitz (editor), 1993
1938 Britannica Book of The Year
Franklin H. Hooper, Editor, 1938
Campi, fabbriche, officine
Pëtr A. Kropotkin, Colin Ward (editor), 2015
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: Volume 2: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures
Walt Stanchfield, Don Hahn (editor), 2009
Joseph Brodsky: Conversations
Joseph Brodsky, Cynthia L. Haven (editor), 2003
Knowings and Knots: Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation
Natalie Loveless (editor), 2019
Frank Jackson (editor), 1998
Mothers of a New World: Maternalist Politics and the Origins of Welfare States
Seth Koven, Sonya Michel (editor), 1993
Readings on History and Temple Desecretion in Medieval India
Sunil Kumar (editor), 2008
Pluricentric Languages: Differing Norms in Different Nations
Michael Clyne (editor), 1991
Amore, com'è ferito il secolo. Poesie e lettere alla moglie
Giorgio Caproni, Stefano Verdino (editor), 2017
Il mio Enea
Giorgio Caproni, Filomena Giannotti (editor), 2020
Manuale. Testo greco e latino a fronte
Epitteto, Enrico V. Maltese (editor), 2005
Juliana, Saint of Nicomedia; Rosemary Woolf (editor); Cynewulf, 1966
Concetti fondamentali della metafisica. Mondo, finitezza, solitudine
Martin Heidegger, Carlo Angelino (editor), 1992
L'invenzione del tempo libero (1850-1960)
Alain Corbin (editor), 1996