نتایج جستجو

The Paris Zone : a cultural history, 1840-1944
Ph.D. James Cannon, 2016
Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference
Riccardo Viale (editor), Daniel Andler (editor), Lawrence A. Hirschfeld (editor), 2006
Mobility Between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic Networks and Cultural Interactions
Ute Röschenthaler; Alessandro Jedlowski, 2017
Reflexiones sobre el cambio cultural en el Perú
César Arróspide, 1985
La Formación Inicial y la Capacitación de Docentes en Servicio para la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB) en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú
María Quintero, Patricio Crespo, Marcelo Kohn, Paula Castelo, Soledad Varea, Fabián Darquea, 2009
Una década de las Cuentas Satélite de Cultura en Iberoamérica 2009-2019
Convenio Andrés Bello (CAB), Diana Marcela Rey, 2020
高至喜, 2000
Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asia's Cities
Melissa Butcher; Selvaraj Velayutham, 2009
The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia
Sheila Fitzpatrick, 1992
史记的文化发掘: 中国早期史学的人类学探索
王子今, 1997
The Colours of the Past in Victorian England (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Charlotte Ribeyrol (editor), 2016
Performativity in the Gallery: Staging Interactive Encounters (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Outi Remes (editor), Laura MacCulloch (editor), Marika Leino (editor), 2014
Researching New Literacies: Design, Theory, and Data in Sociocultural Investigation (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Michele Knobel (editor), Colin Lankshear (editor), 2017
Roman Shakespeare: Intersecting Times, Spaces, Languages (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Daniela Guardamagna (editor), 2018
InHabit: People, Places and Possessions (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Antony Buxton (editor), Linda Hulin (editor), Jane Anderson (editor), 2016
Will the Modernist: Shakespeare and the European Historical Avant-Gardes (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Giovanni Cianci (editor), Caroline M. Patey (editor), 2014