نتایج جستجو

Programming Language Concepts
Peter Sestoft, 2017
Meteor Showers and their Parent Comets
Peter Jenniskens, 2006
Ideas and Welfare State Reform in Western Europe
Peter Taylor-Gooby (eds.), 2005
The Exhaustion of the Dollar: Its Implications for Global Prosperity
H. Peter Gray (auth.), 2004
Using History, Making British Policy: The Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950–76
Peter J. Beck (auth.), 2006
Nietzsche’s Economy: Modernity, Normativity and Futurity
Peter R. Sedgwick (auth.), 2007
Rogue Performances: Staging the Underclasses in Early American Theatre Culture
Peter P. Reed (auth.), 2009
The Mediterranean World of Alfonso II and Peter II of Aragon (1162–1213)
Ernest E. Jenkins (auth.), 2012
The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education
Peter A. J. Stevens, A. Gary Dworkin (eds.), 2014
Peter Calvert (auth.), 1970
Mechanical Prime Movers
Peter C Bell BSc (eds.), 1971
The Social Economy of France
Peter Coffey (auth.), 1973
The Economics of Business Investment Abroad
H. Peter Gray (auth.), 1972
The World Monetary Crisis
Peter Coffey (auth.), 1974
The External Economic Relations of the EEC
Peter Coffey (auth.), 1976
Industrial Pricing Behaviour and Devaluation
Peter M. Holmes (auth.), 1978
Europe and Money
Peter Coffey (auth.), 1977
Women and Low Pay
Peter J. Sloane (eds.), 1980
The Macmillan Dictionary of Italian Literature
Peter Bondanella, Julia Conaway Bondanella (eds.), 1979
The Soviet Union and the Third World
E. J. Feuchtwanger, Peter Nailor (eds.), 1981
The Territorial Dimension in United Kingdom Politics
Peter Madgwick, Richard Rose (eds.), 1982
Transmitter Biochemistry of Human Brain Tissue: Proceedings of the Symposium held at the 12th CINP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden June, 1980
Peter Riederer, Earl Usdin (eds.), 1981
Hardy’s Influence on the Modern Novel
Peter J. Casagrande (auth.), 1987
State, Economy and Society in Western Europe, 1815–1975: A Data Handbook in two Volumes
Peter Flora, Jens Alber, Richard Eichenberg, Jürgen Kohl, Franz Kraus, Winfried Pfenning, Kurt Seebohm (auth.), 1983