نتایج جستجو

Advances in Applied Human Modeling and Simulation
Vincent G Duffy, 2012
Advances in Digital Government: Technology, Human Factors, and Policy
William J. Mclver Jr., 2002
Advances in human aspects of aviation
Steven J Landry, 2012
Advances in human aspects of healthcare
Vincent G Duffy, 2012
Advances in human aspects of road and rail transportation
Neville Stanton, 2013
Advances in human factors and ergonomics in healthcare
Vincent G Duffy, 2011
Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries
Gavriel Salvendy, 2010
Advances in human factors, ergonomics, and safety in manufacturing and service industries
Karwowski, Waldemar, 2011
Advances in the human side of service engineering
James C Spohrer, 2013
Approaches for the integration of human factors into the upgrading and refurbishment of control rooms: summary and conclusions
Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, 2002
Around the Patient Bed: Human Factors and Safety in Health Care
Yoel Donchin, 2013
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety
Pascale Carayon (ed.), 2011
Human Factors and Behavioural Safety
Jeremy Stranks MScFCIEHFIOSHRSPManaging Consultant, 2007
Human Factors in Nuclear Safety
Stanton, 1996
Human Factors Issues in Handgun Safety and Forensics
HalW. Hendrick, 2007
Human Factors Methods for Improving Performance in the Process Industries
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), 2007
Human Factors Methods for Improving Performance in the Process Industries (CCPS Concept Books)
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), 2007
Medical Error and Patient Safety: Human Factors in Medicine
George A. Peters, 2007