نتایج جستجو

Management and Industry: Case Studies in UK Industrial History
John F. Wilson (editor), Nicholas D. Wong (editor), Steven Toms (editor), 2020
Management and Industry: Case Studies in UK Industrial History
John F. Wilson (editor), Nicholas D. Wong (editor), Steven Toms (editor), 2020
Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic Mythology
Northrop Frye, 1963
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology
Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele T. Martin, 2019
Science between Europe and Asia : Historical Studies on the Transmission, Adoption and Adaptation
Gunergun, Feza; Raina, Dhruv; G. Nergun, Feza, 2010
Nationalisms and Identities Among Indigenous Peoples: Case Studies from North America
Martina Neuburger; H Peter Doerrenbaecher; H Peter Dorrenbacher, 2014
Studies in the Apocalypse
R.H. Charles, 1913
Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca 680–850): The Sources: An Annotated Survey (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies)
Leslie Brubaker, John Haldon, 2001
The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and Images (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies)
Leslie Brubaker (editor), Mary B. Cunningham (editor), 2011
Approaches to the Byzantine Family: 14 (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies)
Leslie Brubaker (editor), Shaun Tougher (editor), 2013
Pseudo-Kodinos and the Constantinopolitan Court: Offices and Ceremonies: 15 (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies)
Ruth Macrides, J.A. Munitiz, Dimiter Angelov, 2013