نتایج جستجو

Ghanaian Pidgin English: In search of diachronic, synchronic, and sociolinguistic evidence
Joe K. Y. B. Amoako, 1992
The American Shore: Meditations on a Tale of Science Fiction by Thomas M. Disch"Angouleme"
Samuel R. Delany, Matthew Cheney, 2014
Reframing Postcolonial Studies: Concepts, Methodologies, Scholarly Activisms
David D. Kim (editor), 2021
风靡世界的科普系列01:爱因斯坦、扎克伯格、比尔·盖茨等诸多大咖推荐(套装共5册 我包罗万象 追寻记忆的痕迹 创造自然 追捕祝融星 从一到无穷大)
埃德·扬; 埃里克·坎德尔; 安德烈娅·武尔夫; 托马斯·利文森; 乔治·伽莫夫, 2019
La Logica De La Investigacion Cientifica
Popper Karl
Tratado De Ciencia Rosacruz
Quintero Ivan D, 2011
The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes on the Language of Science Fiction
Samuel R. Delany, Matthew Cheney, 2009
Parabolas of Science Fiction
Brian Attebery, Veronica Hollinger, 2013
Starboard Wine: More Notes on the Language of Science Fiction
Samuel R. Delany, Matthew Cheney, 2012
Tratado De La Ciencia Y La Evolucion Del Pensamiento Cientifico
Ruiz Limon Ramon, 2007
Science Talk: Changing Notions of Science in American Popular Culture
Daniel Patrick Thurs
深度记忆——如何有效记忆你想记住的一切 (How Memory Works—and How to Make It Work for You: Discover How Scientific Strategies Can Sharpen Your Mental Skills)
罗伯特·麦迪根 (Robert Madigan); 钱志慧 (译者), 2019
700 Science Experiments for Everyone Vol 1 from UNESCO
UNESCO teachers
Plantas medicinales autóctonas de la Argentina : bases científicas para su aplicación en atención primaria de la salud
Alonso, Jorge; Desmarchelier, Cristian, 2015
Music in Science Fiction Television: Tuned to the Future
K.J. Donnelly, Philip Hayward, 2012
Teosofia La Ciencia Que Diviniza Al Hombre
Vidya Salvador
El electrón es zurdo y otros ensayos científicos
Isaac Asimov, 1964
La edad de oro de la ciencia ficci?n I
Isaac Asimov, 0101