نتایج جستجو

Evocations of Eloquence: Rhetoric, Literature and Religion in Early Modern France - Essays in Honour of Peter Bayley (Medieval and Early Modern French Studies)
Nicholas Hammond (editor), Michael Moriarty (editor), 2012
Arts-Based Research Primer (Peter Lang Primer)
James Rolling HaywoodJr., 2013
Transformative Leadership Primer (Peter Lang Primer)
Carolyn M. Shields, 2016
American Public Education Law Primer (Peter Lang Primer)
David C. Bloomfield, 2016
Clinical Pharmacology
Morris J. Brown MA MSc FRCP FAHA FBPharmacolS FMedSci (editor), Pankaj Sharma MD PhD FRCP (editor), Fraz Mir MAFRCP (editor), Peter N. Bennett MD FRCP (editor), 2018
Trillions: Thriving in the Emerging Information Ecology
Peter Lucas, Joe Ballay, Mickey McManus, 2012
Jazz Hanon.
Deneff, Peter, 2006
The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens
Peter Levine, 2007
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami in Interreligious Dialogue
Peter Schmidt
A Critical Sense: Interviews with Intellectuals
Peter Osborne (ed), 1996
Sinemada göstergeler ve anlam
Peter Wollen, 2014
Political Representation and Elections in Britain
Peter Pulzer, 1975
The Revolution in Development Economics
James A. Dorn; Steve H. Hanke; Alan Arthur Walters; Péter Tamás Bauer; Sir Walters, 1998
Profit and the Pursuit of Energy: Markets and Regulation
Jonathan D Aronson; Peter F Cowhey, 2019
Social and Political Structures in West Germany: From Authoritarianism to Postindustrial Democracy
Ursula Hoffmann-Lange; Peter Jelavich; Robert Rickards; Lewis J Edinger, 2019
Public Zen, Personal Zen: A Buddhist Introduction
Peter D. Hershock, 2014
85 Days in Slavyansk
Alexander Zhuchkovsky; Peter Nimitz, 2022
Mineros de la Montaña Roja. El trabajo de los indios en Potosí 1545-1650
Peter Bakewell, (aut.); Mario García Aldonate, (trad.), 1989
Insane Society: A Sociology of Mental Health
Peter Morrall, 2020
Leibniz: New Essays on Human Understanding (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
G. W. Leibniz, Peter Remnant (editor), Jonathan Bennett (editor), 1996
The Science of Knowledge: With the First and Second Introductions (Texts in German Philosophy)
J. G. Fichte, Peter Heath (editor), John Lachs (editor), 1982