نتایج جستجو

Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text, 5e
Allan Gaw MD PhD FRCPath FFPM PGCertMedEd, Michael J. Murphy FRCP Edin FRCPath, Rajeev Srivastava, Robert A. Cowan BScPhD, Denis St. J. O'Reilly MSc MD FRCP FRCPath, 2013
Clinical Chemistry: With STUDENT CONSULT Access, 7e
William J. Marshall MAMScPhDMBBSFRCPFRCPathFRCPEdinFIBiol, Stephen K Bangert, Márta Lapsley MBBChBAODipPathMRCPathMDFRCPath, 2012
Clinical Neuropathology
Roy O. Weller BSc, MD, PhD, FRCpath, Michael Swash MD, FRCP, MRCPath, D. Lindsay McLellan MA, MB, PhD, FRCP, Carl L. Scholtz MB, MSc, FRCPA (auth.), 1983
Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry
Edward W Odell FDSRCSMScPhDFRCPath, 2004
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VII: Proceedings of ES99, the Nineteenth SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, December 1999
Barry Smyth, Paul Cotter (auth.), Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Mike Moulton BSc, Frans Coenen PhD (eds.), 2000
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems X: Proceedings of ES2002, the Twenty-second SGAI International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence
Stewart Long, Roy Dowsing, Patrick Craven (auth.), Dr Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Mr Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Frans Coenen PhD (eds.), 2003
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII: Proceedings of AI-2006, the Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Arjen Hommersom, Perry Groot, Peter Lucas, Michael Balser, Jonathan Schmitt (auth.), Professor Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, FIEE, FRSA, Dr Frans Coenen PhD, Dr Andrew Tuson MA, MSc, PhD, MBCS (eds.), 2007
Animal Abuse and Unlawful Killing: Forensic veterinary pathology
Ranald Munro BVMSMScDVMDip Forensic MedicineDipECVPMRCVS, Helen M. C. Munro BVMSMRCVS, 2008
Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat, 2nd Edition
Stanley H. Done BA BVetMed PhD DECPHM DECVP FRCVS FRCPath, Peter C. Goody BSc MSc(Ed) PhD, Susan A. Evans MIScT AIMI MIAS, Neil C. Stickland BSc PhD DSc, 2009
Engineering Hydrology
E. M. Wilson PhD MSc FICE FASCE (auth.), 1990
Aging Issues in Cardiology
Irene D. Turpie MB, ChB, MSc, FRCPC (auth.), Irene D. Turpie, George A. Heckman (eds.), 2004
Early Arrhythmias Resulting from Myocardial Ischaemia: Mechanisms and Prevention by Drugs
James R. Parratt MSc, PhD, DSc, FPS (eds.), 1982
Artificial Animals for Computer Animation: Biomechanics, Locomotion, Perception, and Behavior
David P. Evans MSc (Biomechanics), MD (auth.), 1999
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XI: Proceedings of AI2003, the Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Kushan Nammuni, Claire Pickering, S. Modgil, Alan Montgomery, P. Hammond (auth.), Professor Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, FIEE, FRSA, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng (eds.), 2004
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XII: Proceedings of AI-2004, the Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Sarah Jane Delany, Pádraig Cunningham, Alexey Tsymbal, Lorcan Coyle (auth.), Professor Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen (eds.), 2005
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIII: Proceedings of AI-2005, the Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, December 2005
Tom M. van Engers (auth.), Professor Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen PhD (eds.), 2006
Modern Manufacturing: Information Control and Technology
Biren Prasad (auth.), Marek B. Zaremba PhD, MSc, Biren Prasad PhD (eds.), 1994
100 Challenging Spinal Pain Syndrome Cases, 2e
Lynton Giles MScPhDDC, 2009
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective
Walter F. Truszkowski (auth.), Christopher A. Rouff PhD, MS, BA, Professor Michael Hinchey PhD, MSc, BSc, CMath, CEng, CPEng, CITP, FBCS, FIEE, FIMA, FIEAust, SMIEEE, James Rash MA, BA, Walter Truszkowski MA, BA, Diana Gordon-Spears PhD (eds.), 2006
Llewellyn-Jones Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 9e
Jeremy Oats MBBSDMFRCOGFRANZCOG, Suzanne Abraham MScPhD(Med)MAPS, 2010
Llewellyn-Jones Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 9e
Jeremy Oats MBBSDMFRCOGFRANZCOG, Suzanne Abraham MScPhD(Med)MAPS, 2010
Facility Management: Optimierung der Gebäude- und Anlagenverwaltung
Peter Barrett MSc, 1998
Human Factors and Behavioural Safety
Jeremy Stranks MScFCIEHFIOSHRSPManaging Consultant, 2007
Botulinum Toxin. Therapeutic Clinical Practice and Science
Joseph Jankovic, MD, Alberto Albanese, MD, M. Zouhair Atassi, PhD, DSc, J. Oliver Dolly, MSc, PhD, DSc, Mark Hallett, MD,, 2009