نتایج جستجو

An Introduction to Literary Chinese
Michael A. Fuller, 2004
An Introduction to Modern Literary Arabic
Cowan D., 1958
Deep Map Country : Literary Cartography of the Great Plains
Maher, Susan Naramore, 2014
Approaches to Literary Readings of Ancient Jewish Writings
Klaas Smelik, Karolien Vermeulen, 2014
Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Senecan Tragedy: Scholarly, Theatrical and Literary Receptions
Eric Dodson-Robinson, 2016
Classical Literary Criticism (Penguin Classics)
Various, 2001
Contemporary U.S. Latino a Literary Criticism (American Literature Readings in the Twenty-First Century)
Lyn Di Iorio Sandin, Richard Perez, 2007
So You Think You Know Jane Austen?: A Literary Quizbook
John Sutherland, Deirdre Le Faye, 2005
So You Think You Know Thomas Hardy?: A Literary Quizbook
John Sutherland, 2005
Animal Rights and the Politics of Literary Representation
John Simons, 2002
Arab American Literary Fictions, Cultures, and Politics
Steven Salaita, 2006
Cosmopolitan Culture and Consumerism in Chick Lit (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)
Caroline J. Smith, 2007
Artificial Intelligence and Literary Creativity
Selmer Bringsjord, David Ferrucci, 1999