نتایج جستجو

CSR in Private Enterprises in Developing Countries: Evidences from the Ready-Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh
Nakib Muhammad Nasrullah, 2014
CSR in Private Enterprises in Developing Countries: Evidences from the Ready-Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh
Nakib Muhammad Nasrullah, 2013
Financing China's Rural Enterprises
Dr Jun Li, 2002
Ownership and Governance of Enterprises: Recent Innovative Developments
Laixiang Sun (eds.), 2003
Productive Performance in Chinese Enterprises: An Empirical Study
Yanrui Wu (auth.), 1996
China Accounting Standards: Introduction and Effects of New Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
Lorenzo Riccardi (auth.), 2016
The Biotechnologists: and the evolution of biotech enterprises in the USA and Europe
Stephanie Jones (auth.), 1992
Sustainability in Manufacturing Enterprises: Concepts, Analyses and Assessments for Industry 4.0
Ibrahim Garbie (auth.), 2016
Network Enterprises: The Evolution of Organizational Models from Guilds to Assembly Lines to Innovation Clusters
Gianfranco Dioguardi (auth.), 2010
Large Chinese State-Owned Enterprises: Corporatization and Strategic Development
Yong Zhang (auth.), 2008
Upgrading Clusters and Small Enterprises in Developing Countries (Ashgate Economic Geography)
Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira, 2008