نتایج جستجو

Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory: Selected Papers From a Conference Held at the University of Heidelberg in October 1997
Johannes Buchmann, Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Stefan Neis, Patrick Theobald, Damian Weber (auth.), B. Heinrich Matzat, Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Hiss (eds.), 1999
Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory: Selected Papers From a Conference Held at the University of Heidelberg in October 1997
Johannes Buchmann, Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Stefan Neis, Patrick Theobald, Damian Weber (auth.), B. Heinrich Matzat, Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Hiss (eds.), 1999
Cultures of Order: Leadership, Language, and Social Reconstruction in Germany and Japan
Katja Weber, Paul A. Kowert, 2007
Anisotropy Effects in Superconductors
H. Teichler (auth.), Harald W. Weber (eds.), 1977
Capitalismo e teoria sociale. Marx, Durkheim, Weber
Anthony Giddens, A. Martinelli, C. Cantini, M. Pogatschnig, 2015
Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber
Anthony Giddens (auth.), 1972
Cross-linguistic corpora for the study of translations : insights from the language pair English-German
Katja Weber, Paul A. Kowert, 2012
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2014: 24th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Hamburg, Germany, September 15-19, 2014. Proceedings
Stefan Wermter, Cornelius Weber, Włodzisław Duch, Timo Honkela, Petia Koprinkova-Hristova, Sven Magg, Günther Palm, Alessandro E. P. Villa (eds.), 2014
Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering: With a Contribution by Martin Fussenegger and Wilfried Weber
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Regine Eibl, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Eibl, PD Dr.-Ing. Ralf Pörtner, Prof. Dr. Eng. Gerardo Catapano, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Czermak (auth.), 2009
Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering: With a Contribution by Martin Fussenegger and Wilfried Weber
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Regine Eibl, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Eibl, PD Dr.-Ing. Ralf Pörtner, Prof. Dr. Eng. Gerardo Catapano, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Czermak (auth.), 2009
Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering: With a Contribution by Martin Fussenegger and Wilfried Weber
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Regine Eibl, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Eibl, PD Dr.-Ing. Ralf Pörtner, Prof. Dr. Eng. Gerardo Catapano, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Czermak (auth.), 2009
Reaction mechanisms in environmental organic chemistry
Richard A. Larson, Eric J. Weber, 1994
F. Vögtle, E. Weber, 1984
Masao Nakazaki, Koji Yamamoto, Koichiro Naemura (auth.), F. Vögtle, E. Weber (eds.), 1984
Studium Generale: Eitschrift für die Einheit der Wissenschaften im Zusammenhang ihrer Begriffsbildungen und Forschungsmethoden
Dr. Bernhard Grzimek (auth.), K. H. Bauer, L. Curtius, H. v. Einem, F. Ernst, H. Friedrich, W. Fucks, E. Hoffmann, E. v. Holst, K. Jaspers, A. E. Jensen, A. Jores, H. Kuhn, Fr. Oehlkers, H. Peters, E. Preiser, K. Reidemeister, F. H. Rein, W. Röpke, H. H. Schaeder, R. Smend, G. Söhngen, H. Thielicke, J. Trier, C. Troll, A. Weber, C. F. v. Weizsäcker, G. Wenke, J. Zutt (eds.), 1950
Entscheidung zum Outsourcing von Logistikleistungen: Rationalitätsanforderungen und Realität in mittelständischen Unternehmen
Andreas Gebhardt, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weber, 2006
‘Dearest Emmie’: Thomas Hardy’s Letters to his First Wife
Carl J. Weber (eds.), 1963
60tão - A turma de 51
Cida Moreira & Chacal & Arrigo Barnabé & Ivana Arruda Leite & Laerte & José Castello & Glauco Mattoso & Eliete Negreiros & Maria Rita Kehl & Maria Helena Weber & Paloma Amado & Paulo Henriques Britto & Washington Olivetto, 2011
Controlling und begrenzte kognitive Fähigkeiten: Grundlagen und Anwendungen eines verhaltensorientierten Ansatzes
Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer (auth.), Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Weber (eds.), 2011