نتایج جستجو

Fundamentals of Mass Determination
Michael Borys, Roman Schwartz, Arthur Reichmuth, Roland Nater (auth.), 2012
Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions with Applications to General Relativity
Michael Grosser, Michael Kunzinger, Michael Oberguggenberger, Roland Steinbauer (auth.), 2001
Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions with Applications to General Relativity
Michael Grosser, Michael Kunzinger, Michael Oberguggenberger, Roland Steinbauer (auth.), 2001
Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and Drought
Michael R. Rampino, Robert Etkins (auth.), Roland Paepe, Rhodes W. Fairbridge, Saskia Jelgersma (eds.), 1990
Hagenberg research
Bruno Buchberger (auth.), Bruno Buchberger, Michael Affenzeller, Alois Ferscha, Michael Haller, Tudor Jebelean, Erich Peter Klement, Peter Paule, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Robert Stubenrauch, Roland Wagner, Gerhard Weiß, Wolfgang Windsteiger (eds.), 2009
Hagenberg research
Bruno Buchberger (auth.), Bruno Buchberger, Michael Affenzeller, Alois Ferscha, Michael Haller, Tudor Jebelean, Erich Peter Klement, Peter Paule, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Robert Stubenrauch, Roland Wagner, Gerhard Weiß, Wolfgang Windsteiger (eds.), 2009
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering’ 04: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2004
Prof. Dr. Harms Ruder, Dr. Roland Speith (auth.), Egon Krause, Willi Jäger, Michael Resch (eds.), 2005
Interactions of C, N, P and S Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Change
Fred T. Mackenzie, Leah May Ver, Christopher Sabine, Michael Lane, Abraham Lerman (auth.), Roland Wollast, Fred T. Mackenzie, Lei Chou (eds.), 1993
Internationalisierung industrieller Forschung und grenzüberschreitendes Wissensmanagement: Eine empirische Analyse aus der Perspektive des Standortes Deutschland
Dr. Jakob Edler, Dr. Roland Döhrn, Dr. Michael Rothgang (auth.), 2003
Lasers in Dermatology: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Ulm, 26 September 1989
S. L. Jacques (auth.), Professor Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Roland Kaufmann, Prof. Dr. med. Michael Landthaler, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. mult. Otto Braun-Falco (eds.), 1991
Marine Biotechnology I
Thomas Schweder, Ulrike Lindequist, Michael Lalk (auth.), Roland Ulber, Yves Le Gal (eds.), 2005
Schadenkostenprognose: Erfolgsfaktoren in der Versicherungswirtschaft
Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Busshart, Dr. Matthias F. F. Maneth, Prof. Dr. Roland Eisen (auth.), 1998
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and Intracoronary Thrombolysis: Coronary Heart Disease IV
A. Grüntzig (auth.), Professor Dr. Martin Kaltenbach, Andreas Roland Grüntzig M.D., Klaus Peter Rentrop M.D., Professor Dr. Wulf-Dirk Bussmann (eds.), 1982
Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
Roland Kontermann, Stefan Dübel, 2001
Therapeutic proteins : strategies to modulate their plasma half-lives
Roland Kontermann, 2012
Talcott Parsons: Theorist of Modernity (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society)
Roland Robertson, Bryan S Turner, 1991
Fractal Geometry, Complex Dimensions and Zeta Functions: Geometry and Spectra of Fractal Strings
Bruce E. Larock, Roland W. Jeppson, Gary Z. Watters, 2006
Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems
Bruce E. Larock, Roland W. Jeppson, Gary Z. Watters, 1999
Telecommunications Network Design and Management
Andreas Eisenblätter, Roland Wessäly (auth.), G. Anandalingam, S. Raghavan (eds.), 2003
Debugging with GDB: The GNU Source-Level Debugger
Richard M. Stallman, Roland Pesch, Stan Shebs, 2002
Functional Organisation of the Human Visual Cortex
Balazs Gulyas, D. Ottoson and P. E. Roland (Eds.), 1993
Classic Works of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions
Liping Liu, Ronald R. Yager (auth.), Roland R. Yager, Liping Liu (eds.), 2008
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 13th International Conference, DEXA 2002 Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2–6, 2002 Proceedings
Serge Abiteboul (auth.), Abdelkader Hameurlain, Rosine Cicchetti, Roland Traunmüller (eds.), 2002