نتایج جستجو

Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter)
Stephen P. Anderson, 2011
Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences (Voices That Matter)
Stephen P. Anderson, 2011
Professional Clojure
Jeremy Anderson, Michael Gaare, Justin Holgu?n, Nick Bailey, Timothy Pratley, 2016
The MD Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology
Hagop M. Kantarjian, Robert A. Wolff, 2016
Java Illuminated An Active Learning Approach
Julie Anderson, Herv J. Franceschi, 2014
The Annotated Hobbit
J. R. R. Tolkien; Douglas A. Anderson (ed.), 2002
Engineering Solutions for Sustainability: Materials and Resources II
Jeffrey W. Fergus, Brajendra Mishra, Dayan Anderson, Emily Allyn Sarver, Neale R. Neelameggham (eds.), 2016
Ni-Co 2013
Thomas Battle, Michael Moats, Violina Cocalia Ph.D., Harald Oosterhof, Shafiq Alam, Antoine Allanore, Rodney Jones, Nathan Stubina, Corby Anderson, Shijie Wang (eds.), 2016
Mastering fermentation: recipes for making and cooking with fermented foods
Anderson, Edward Charles; Karlin, Mary, 2013
Aerobiology the toxicology of airbourne xenobiotics
Harry Salem, Harry Salem, Sidney A Katz, Diana Anderson, Tim Marrs, Terry J Henderson, Sofi Ibrahim, Arik Eisenkraft, Michael Adler, Joshua Santarpia, Sanjiv Shah, Sidney Katz, Joseph L Corriveau, Jana Kesavan, Gene E McClellan, Rudolph J Jaeger, Thomas Ingersoll, 2016
Human stem cell toxicology
James L Sherley, James L Sherley, Diana Anderson, Navneet Kumar Yadav, Moo-Yeal Lee, Bríd M Ryan, John W Ludlow, Varun Ahuja, Sujata Law, Dipak Datta, William G Thilly, Shinji Tanaka, 2016
The Last Charge: The 21st Lancers and the Battle of Omdurman
Terry Brighton, Douglas N. Anderson, 1998
Global Environments Through the Quaternary: Exploring Evironmental Change
David E Anderson, Andrew S Goudie, Adrian G Parker, 2013
Information Security: 19th International Conference, ISC 2016, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 3-6, 2016. Proceedings
Matt Bishop, Anderson C A Nascimento (eds.), 2016
Information Theoretic Security: 9th International Conference, ICITS 2016, Tacoma, WA, USA, August 9-12, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Anderson C.A. Nascimento, Paulo Barreto (eds.), 2016
The State Economic Handbook 2009
Patrick L. Anderson, Scott D. Watkins (eds.), 2008
Handbook of Media Economics
Simon P. Anderson, Joel Waldfogel and David Strömberg (Eds.), 2016
Chelation Therapy in the Treatment of Metal Intoxication
Jan Aaseth, Guido Crisponi, Ole Anderson, 2016
Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive Inquiry
Frederick J. Wertz PhD, Kathy Charmaz PhD, Linda M. McMullen PhD, Ruthellen Josselson PhD, Rosemarie Anderson PhD, Emalinda McSpadden MA, 2011
Panther (Concord 7006)
Thomas Anderson, 1996
Panzerwaffe at War (1). Nuremberg to Moscow (Concord 7013)
Robert Michulec & Thomas Anderson, 1997
Panzerwaffe at War (2). Moscow to Berlin (Concord 7014)
Robert Michulec & Thomas Anderson, 1998
German Tanks of the World War II in Color
Michael Green, Thomas Anderson, Frank Schulz, 2000
The Frequency-Following Response: A Window into Human Communication
Nina Kraus, Samira Anderson, Travis White-Schwoch, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper (eds.), 2017