نتایج جستجو

The Coconut Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes)
M. K. Rajesh (editor), S. V. Ramesh (editor), Lalith Perera (editor), Chittaranjan Kole (editor), 2021
Data Engineering and Communication Technology: Proceedings of ICDECT 2020 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 63)
K. Ashoka Reddy (editor), B. Rama Devi (editor), Boby George (editor), K. Srujan Raju (editor), 2021
Quality Improvement in Dental and Medical Knowledge, Research, Skills and Ethics Facing Global Challenges
Armelia Sari Widyarman (editor), Muhammad Ihsan Rizal (editor), Moehammad Orliando Roeslan (editor), Carolina Damayanti Marpaung (editor), 2024
Medical Informatics and Bioimaging Using Artificial Intelligence: Challenges, Issues, Innovations and Recent Developments (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1005)
Aboul Ella Hassanien (editor), Roheet Bhatnagar (editor), Václav Snášel (editor), Mahmoud Yasin Shams (editor), 2021
Oxford Guide to Brief and Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People
Sophie Bennett (editor), Pamela Myles-Hooton (editor), Jessica Schleider (editor), Roz Shafran (editor), 2022
Secure Edge and Fog Computing Enabled AI for IoT and Smart Cities: Includes selected Papers from International Conference on Advanced Computing & ... Innovations in Communication and Computing)
Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif (editor), Lo’ai Tawalbeh (editor), Yassine Maleh (editor), Brij B. Gupta (editor), 2024
Frontier Applications of Nature Inspired Computation (Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing)
Mahdi Khosravy (editor), Neeraj Gupta (editor), Nilesh Patel (editor), Tomonobu Senjyu (editor), 2020
Computational Science - ICCS 2007: 7th International Conference, Beijing China, May 27-30, 2007, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4487)
Yong Shi (editor), Geert Dick van Albada (editor), Jack Dongarra (editor), Peter M.A. Sloot (editor), 2007
Grammatica della musica etnica
Maurizio Agamennone (editor), Francesco Giannattasio (editor), Giovanni Giurati (editor), Serena Facci (editor), 1991
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13-15, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4160)
Michael Fisher (editor), Wiebe van der Hoek (editor), Boris Konev (editor), Alexei Lisitsa (editor), 2006
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008
Wolfram W. F. Klingsch (editor), Christian Rogsch (editor), Andreas Schadschneider (editor), Michael Schreckenberg (editor), 2010
Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023: 17th International Conference, San José, CA, USA, August 21–26, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Gernot A. Fink (editor), Rajiv Jain (editor), Koichi Kise (editor), Richard Zanibbi (editor), 2023
China and the New Silk Road: Challenges and Impacts on the Regional and Local Level
Harald Pechlaner (editor), Greta Erschbamer (editor), Hannes Thees (editor), Mirjam Gruber (editor), 2020
Cold Waters: Tangible and Symbolic Seascapes of the North
Markku Lehtimäki (editor), Arja Rosenholm (editor), Elena Trubina (editor), Nina Tynkkynen (editor), 2022
Pattern Recognition: 5th Asian Conference, ACPR 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, November 26–29, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12046)
Shivakumara Palaiahnakote (editor), Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (editor), Liang Wang (editor), Wei Qi Yan (editor), 2020
Cerebral Aneurysm Detection and Analysis: First Challenge, CADA 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 8, 2020, Proceedings ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
Anja Hennemuth (editor), Leonid Goubergrits (editor), Matthias Ivantsits (editor), Jan-Martin Kuhnigk (editor), 2021
Hybrid and Networked Dynamical Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 493)
Romain Postoyan (editor), Paolo Frasca (editor), Elena Panteley (editor), Luca Zaccarian (editor), 2024
Carbon Dioxide Utilization to Sustainable Energy and Fuels (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
Inamuddin (editor), Rajender Boddula (editor), Mohd Imran Ahamed (editor), Anish Khan (editor), 2021
Capacity Building in Local Authorities for Sustainable Transport Planning (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 319)
Andree Woodcock (editor), Janet Saunders (editor), Keelan Fadden-Hopper (editor), Eileen O’Connell (editor), 2023
8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures: Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 267)
Brahim Benmokrane (editor), Khaled Mohamed (editor), Ahmed Farghaly (editor), Hamdy Mohamed (editor), 2022
Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking: 6th International Conference, MSPN 2020, Paris, France, October 28–29, 2020, Revised Selected Papers ... Networks and Telecommunications)
Samia Bouzefrane (editor), Maryline Laurent (editor), Selma Boumerdassi (editor), Eric Renault (editor), 2021
From Grand Challenges to Great Solutions: Digital Transformation in the Age of COVID-19: 20th Workshop on e-Business, WeB 2021, Virtual Event, ... Notes in Business Information Processing)
Shaokun Fan (editor), Noyan Ilk (editor), Zhe Shan (editor), Kexin Zhao (editor), 2022
Advances in Computational Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics (Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning)
Ibraheem Alharbi (editor), Chiheb-Eddine Ben Ncir (editor), Bader Alyoubi (editor), Hajer Ben-Romdhane (editor), 2024
Advances in Computational Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics (Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning)
Ibraheem Alharbi (editor), Chiheb-Eddine Ben Ncir (editor), Bader Alyoubi (editor), Hajer Ben-Romdhane (editor), 2024