نتایج جستجو

Terrorism, the Laws of War, and the Constitution: Debating the Enemy Combatant Cases
Peter Berkowitz, 2005
6000 BC: Transformation and Change in the Near East and Europe
Peter F. Biehl, Eva Rosenstock, 2022
Drug War: The Secret History
Peter Walsh, 2018
Social Work in a Corporate Era: Practices of Power and Resistance
Linda Davies, Peter Leonard, 2017
Social Contract and Political Obligation: A Critique and Reappraisal
Peter J. McCormick, 2019
Sinicization and the Rise of China: Civilizational Processes Beyond East and West
Peter J. Katzenstein, 2012
Das Vieweg Einheiten-Lexikon : Formeln und Begriffe aus Physik, Chemie und Technik
Peter Kurzweil, 1999
Rethinking Neo-Institutional Statebuilding: The Knowledge Paradox of International Intervention
Peter Finkenbusch, 2017
Operasjon ørkenstorm : en personlig beretning fra Golfkrigen
De la Billiere, Peter, 1992
Religion, Politics and Social Protest: Three Studies on Early Modern Germany
Peter Blickle; Hans-Christoph Rublack; Winfried Schulze, 2021
Reflections: Conversations With Politicians
Peter Hennessy; Robert Shepard; Robert Shepherd, 2016
Red Flag: Waking Up to China’s Challenge
Peter Hartcher, 2019
Reconciliation and Pedagogy
Pal Ahluwalia; Stephen Atkinson; Peter Bishop; Pam Christie; Robert Hattam; Julie Matthews, 2012
Poltava : fortellingen om en hærs undergang
Englund, Peter, 1993
Chinese Regionalism: The Security Dimension
Jason C. Hu; Andrew N. D. Yang; Peter Kien-Hong YU; Ellis Joffe, 1994
Choosing Party Leaders: Britain's Conservatives and Labour Compared
Andrew Denham; Peter Dorey; Andrew S Roe-Crines, 2020
Choosing Your Battles: American Civil-Military Relations and the Use of Force
Peter D. Feaver; Christopher Gelpi, 2003
Citizens of Everywhere: Searching for Identity in the Age of Brexit
Peter Gumbel, 2021
The Civic Imagination: Making a Difference in American Political Life
Gianpaolo Baiocchi; Elizabeth Bennett; Alissa Cordner; Peter Klein; Stephanie Savell, 2013
The Conquest of Bread
Peter Kropotkin; Victor Robinson, 2020
The Medieval Church: Universities, Heresy, and the Religious Life. Essays in Honour of Gordon Leff
Peter Biller, Barrie Dobson (eds.), 1999
Das Schleswig'sche Wattenmeer und die friesischen Inseln
Christian Peter Hansen, 1865
Minutes to Midnight: Twelve Essays on Watchmen
Richard Bensam; Timothy Callahan; Julian Darius; Peter Sanderson; Geoff Klock; Patrick Meaney; Chad Nevett; Mary Borsellino; Jon Cormier; Walter Hudsick; John Loyd; Gene Phillips; William Ritchie; Kevin Colden, 2011