نتایج جستجو

Informatics and Intelligent Applications: First International Conference, ICIIA 2021, Ota, Nigeria, November 25–27, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Sanjay Misra (editor), Jonathan Oluranti (editor), Robertas Damaševičius (editor), Rytis Maskeliunas (editor), 2022
Literature, Psychoanalysis and the New Sciences of Mind
Leonard Jackson, 2014
Literature, Psychoanalysis and the New Sciences of Mind
Leonard Jackson, 2014
Race, Social Science and the Crisis of Manhood, 1890-1970: We are the Supermen
Malinda Alaine Lindquist, 2012
Neuroscience for Clinicians: Basic Processes, Circuits, Disease Mechanisms, and Therapeutic Implications
Eduardo E. Benarroch, 2021
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 23rd International Conference, FOSSACS 2020, Held as Part of the European Joint ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Jean Goubault-Larrecq (editor), Barbara König (editor), 2020
Filosofía de las ciencias humanas y sociales. Materiales para una fundamentación científica
José María Mardones Martínez, 2007
Рекреаційні ресурси та курортологія. Навчальний посібник
Фоменко Н.В., 2007
The Earth Sciences in the Enlightenment: Studies on the Early Development of Geology
Kenneth L. Taylor, 2008
Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences
Dimitrios Vlachos, 2024
The Earth Sciences in the Enlightenment: Studies on the Early Development of Geology
Kenneth L. Taylor, 2008
The Challenge of Politics An Introduction to Political Science
Douglas W. Simon; Joseph Romance, 2024
Чисельні методи в інформатиці
Фельдман Л. П., Петренко А. І., Дмитрієва О. А., 2006
Чисельні методи в інформатиці
Фельдман Л. П., Петренко А. І., Дмитрієва О. А., 2006
Halmahera and Beyond: Social Science Research in the Moluccas
Leontine E. Visser; A.B. Lapian; Ch.F. van Fraassen; James N. Baker; Barbara Dix Grimes; Simonne Pauwels; Cécile Barraud; Haryo S. Martodirdjo; D.J. Nijland; Dirk Teljeur; Valerio Valeri; E.K.M. Masainambow, 1994
Nature, Experiment, and the Sciences: Essays on Galileo and the History of Science in Honour of Stillman Drake
Trevor H. Levere (editor), William R. Shea (editor), 1990
Introduction to Political Science
Raymond Garfield Gettell, 1910
Introduction to Political Science
Raymond Garfield Gettell, 1910
Current Researches in Health Sciences II
Enes Karaman, Gozde Ozge Onder, 2023