نتایج جستجو

North American Indian Life : Customs and Traditions of 23 Tribes.
Elsie Clews Parsons, 2013
A History of the Second Fifty Years, American Mathematical Society 1939-1988
Everett Pitcher, 1988
A History of the American People
James Truslow Adams, 2020
To Live and Die in the West: The American Indian Wars, 1860-90
Jason Hook; Martin Pegler, 2001
The Emergence of Rock and Roll: Music and the Rise of American Youth Culture
Mitchell K. Hall, 2014
Men and Institutions in American Mathematics
J. Dalton Tarwater, John T. White, John D. Miller (eds.), 1976
All that is native & fine : the politics of culture in an American region
David E. Whisnant, 2009
Staging ground : an American theater and its ghosts
Leslie Stainton, 2014
Lynching beyond Dixie American mob violence outside the South
Michael James Pfeifer; ProQuest (Firm), 2013
Bricktop's Paris : African American women in Paris between the two World Wars
T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, 2015
I hear my people singing : voices of African American Princeton
Kathryn Watterson, 2017
Public Lives, Private Virtues: Images of American Revolutionary War Heroes, 1782-1832
Christopher Harris, 2000
Seductive journey : American tourists in France from Jefferson to the Jazz Age
Harvey A. Levenstein, 1998
American Presidential Campaigns and Elections
William G. Shade, Kenneth C Campbell, 2003
Black Wall Street 100: An American City Grapples with Its Historical Racial Trauma
Hannibal B. Johnson, 2020
The quiet contemporary American novel
Rachel Sykes, 2017
Archaeologies of Rock Art: South American Perspectives
Andrés Troncoso (editor), Felipe Armstrong (editor), George Nash (editor), 2018
The Ozarks An American Survival of Primitive Society
Vance Randolph, 2017
Special Operations in the American Revolution
Robert L. Tonsetic, 2013
Peter Harrison: First American Architect
Carl Bridenbaugh, 2018